Seminars, workshops etc. organized or co-organized with the FORCLIMIT project.
Faculty of Forestry, Transilvania University of Brasov (2018). Information session 2 – Schimbarea climatică accelerată – contributia padurii si sectorului forestier:provocari teoretice ale modelarii acumularii de biomasa la nivel de arbore (Accelerated climate change – forest and forest contribution: theoretical challenges of modeling biomass accumulation at tree level), Faculty of Forestry Brasov, Friday, 14 December 2018.
Faculty of Forestry, Transilvania University of Brasov (2018). International Symposium Forest and Sustainable Development, Brasov, Romania, 2018 25 to 27 October 2018.
Faculty of Forestry, Transilvania University of Brasov (2018). Information session 1 – Schimbarea climatică accelerată – înțelegerea contribuției sectorului forestier la prevenire prin reducerea emisiilor antropogene și adaptare prin reziliența societală (Accelerated climate change –understanding the contribution of the forest and forestry sector to climate change mitigation and resilience by societal adaptation). Joint meeting ERA GAS Forclimit & ERA C4S CLISWELN PROJECT, Faculty of Forestry Brasov, Thursday 8 March 2018.
Wagningen University and Research (2018). Several regional stakeholder meetings throughout the country related to the Dutch climate envelopes program.