
FORCLIMIT presentations from meetings, seminars, workshops, conferences, etc.


Richard Sikkema (2021). Modelling of forest owner responses and smart climate forest (CSF) measures. “Forestry – bridge to the future, Sofia, Bulgaria, 5 – 7 May 2021.


Næsset, Erik (2020) Beregning av karbon på bestandsnivå: framtidig planprodukt? (Stand level carbon estimates: a future forest management plan product?), Skogplanseminar 2020 (Forest inventory and management planning seminar), Hurdal, Norway, 11 februar 2020.


Victor Strîmbu, Liviu T. Ene, Terje Gobakken, Erik Næsset (2019).Simulative assessment of model assisted and hybrid estimation of change using repeated ALS sampling. The Nordic Remote Sensing Conference 2019 (NoRSC’19), Århus, Denmark, 17 – 19 September 2019.

Hans Ole Ørka, David Ellison, Erik Næsset (2019). FORCLIMIT poster. FACCE ERA-GAS 2nd Research Programme Meeting & Valorisation Workshop. Amsterdam, Netherlands. 12 June 2019.

Richard Sikkema (2019). “Mobilising wood for bioenergy“, World Sustainable Energy Days – European Pellet Conference 2019, 27 February 2019.

Hans Ole Ørka (2019). ” Mobilizing and Monitoring Climate Positive Efforts in Forests and Forestry”, Fagseminar om økosystemer på land og deres betydning for klima (Seminar on ecosystems on land and their importance to climate), Norwegian Research Council. 5 February 2019.


Ellison, D. (2018) Financing Forest Potential: Where are the Incentives? , COP24 Katowice, December 2018

Petersson, H. (2018) Forest policy in the Swedish Climate Policy Framework, COP24 Katowice, December 2018

Forests and Climate Policy under the Paris Agreement – Side-Events jointly organized by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (David Ellison), COP24 Katowice, EU Pavilion – Brussels Room, Friday, Dec. 7th: 2018 (16:30 – 20:00)

Petersson, H. (2018). Klimatet och skoglig resurshushållning”, Meras skog I västerbotten, Lycksele , Nov. 20th (Seminar for Swedish local forest owners, the forest agency, NGOs, etc)

Miclaus, M. Blujdea, V. Dutca, Popa, B., Petritan, C. (2018). FORCLIMIT project: mobilizing and monitoring climate positive efforts in forests and forestry (Poster). International Symposium Forest and Sustainable Development, Brasov, Romania, 2018 25 to 27 October 2018

Victor Strimbu and Erik Næsset (2018). Benchmarked small area estimation of forest biomass change using stochastic optimization. ForestSAT 2018, College Park, Maryland, USA . 1 to 5 October 2018.

Petersson, H. (2018) “How to incentivize the role of forests and forest-based resources from a climate perspective in the light of the Paris agreement”, prepared for the FORCLIMIT Workshop, Brasov, Romania, Sept. 17th-19th.

Ellison, David (2018). “Financing Forests – Where are the Incentives?”, prepared for the FORCLIMIT Workshop, Brasov, Romania, Sept. 17th-19th.

Petersson, H. (2018) “How to incentivize the role of forests and forest-based resources from a climate perspective in the light of the Paris agreement” IEA – Bioenergy, Task 38 Workshop, Uppsala, Aug. 29th-30th.

Ellison, David (2018). “Political Footballs and How to Punt Past Them”, presented at the IEA – Bioenergy, Task 38 Workshop, Uppsala, Aug. 29th-30th.

Hans Ole Ørka (2018). “FORCLIMIT – Mobilizing and Monitoring Climate Positive Efforts in Forests and Forestry”, INVENT Norwegian stakeholder meeting, NIBIO, Ås, 24 April 2018.

Mihaela Miclaus (2018). Mobilizarea și Monitorizarea efortului cu impact climatic pozitiv din sectorul forestier”. Faculty of Forestry, Transilvania University of Brasov, FORCLIMIT – workshop, 8 March 2018.

Blujdea, V. Dutca, I. Miclaus, M. Petrian, C. Popa, B. (2018) Proiect “Mobilizarea și monitorizarea efortului cu impact climatic pozitiv din sectorul forestier” (cod ERANET-FACCE ERAGAS: FORCLIMIT), Faculty of Forestry, Transilvania University of Brasov, FORCLIMIT – workshop, 8 March 2018.

Viorel Blujdea (2018) Generalități privind schimbarea climatică accelerată cauzată de emisiile antropogene de gaze cu efect de seră. Faculty of Forestry, Transilvania University of Brasov, FORCLIMIT – workshop, 8 March 2018.

Informal LULUCF Workshop on setting the FRL, Permanent Representation of the Republic of Poland to the European Union in Brussels, 22 February 2018

DIABLO workshop: Improving Communication and Exchange of Forest Information for forest-related LULUCF and climate policy needs in Europe, European Forestry House, Brussels 15 February 2018.


Ellison, David (2017). “Political Footballs and How to Punt Past Them”, COP23 Bonn, 8 December 2017.

Ellison, David (2017). The Role of Forests in the Paris Agreement: From Global to Local – Side-Event organized by JRC, SLU and the Polish Ministry of the Environment. 7. December 2017 (10:00-12:30)

Ellison, David (2017) LULUCF in the EU Climate Policy Framework – Side-Event organized by SLU, COP23 Bonn, Germany, EU Pavillion, 7. December 2017(18:00-19:30);

Ellison, David (2017). “Forest Potential in the EU Climate Policy Framework”, COP23 Bonn,Germany, 7 Desember 2017.