Mobilizing wood for bioenergy

Last week in February 2019 Dr. Richard Sikkema from Wageningen University presented a topic partly founded by the FORCLIMIT project activities in Austria at the World Sustainable Energy Days. The presentation on “Mobilizing wood for bioenergy” was presented on the European Pellet Conference (WSED).

COP24: Side-event in Katowice

The Swedish FORCLIMIT partner SLU (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences) organized together with The European Commission’s Joint Research a side-event in Katowice on December 8th 2018. The topic for the side-event was the forest and climate policy under the Paris Agreement.

Two panels were organized with contributions from INRA, FAO, WRI and others. The two topics for the panels where:

  • The role of forests and soils in mitigating climate change: bridging gaps between science and policy
  • Forest Potential in the Climate Policy Framework – Financing & Incentivizing Forest-based Climate Strategies under the Paris Agreement

Read more about the side-event in the flyer that can be found here.