The mitigation potential of Europe’s forests is significant, but is underutilized in the EU climate policy framework. European forests offset approximately 13% of European fossil fuel-based emissions. To increase the mitigation in forest landscapes incentives are needed and the uncertainty regarding implementation and effects of mitigation strategies must be reduced. FORCLIMIT is a FACCE ERA-GAS project address these considerations jointly, because only by addressing them together can progress be made.
The overall aim of FORCLIMIT is to build and provide the stepping stones of an effective forest-based climate change mitigation strategy.
Only through a combined approach of the right policy framework as well as effective strategies to motivate landowners, wood-based resource users and reliable Monitoring Reporting and Verification (MRV) is this possible.
Read more about the project here.

Modelling of forest owner responses and smart climate forest (CSF) measures
Richard Sikkema from Wageningen University (Forest Ecology & Forest Management) presented his work on “Modelling of forest owner responses and smart climate forest (CSF) measures” at the online conference “Forestry – bridge to the future” on the 7th of May 2021. His presentation can be found here:

Dutch forest owners and climate-smart forest management
Out of a survey among more than 1,000 forest owners (response rate 24%), it can be concluded that 80 percent of Dutch forest owners are increasingly affected by natural disturbances like drought, storms and insect attacks. Many forest owners and – managers would prefer new management alternatives focusing on climate-smart forest measures. The current public … Continue reading “Dutch forest owners and climate-smart forest management”

FACCE ERA-GAS workshop
FORCLIMIT attending the FACCE ERA-GAS 2nd Research Programme Meeting & Valorisation Workshop in Amsterdam. Presenting our key policy finding: “EU has set important restrictions on the potential for forests and forest-based resources to play a more significant role in climate change mitigation strategies of EU Member states”. Read more on our poster (link). Background for … Continue reading “FACCE ERA-GAS workshop”

Mobilizing wood for bioenergy
Last week in February 2019 Dr. Richard Sikkema from Wageningen University presented a topic partly founded by the FORCLIMIT project activities in Austria at the World Sustainable Energy Days. The presentation on “Mobilizing wood for bioenergy” was presented on the European Pellet Conference (WSED).

COP24: Side-event in Katowice
The Swedish FORCLIMIT partner SLU (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences) organized together with The European Commission’s Joint Research a side-event in Katowice on December 8th 2018. The topic for the side-event was the forest and climate policy under the Paris Agreement. Two panels were organized with contributions from INRA, FAO, WRI and others. The two … Continue reading “COP24: Side-event in Katowice”

How do we develop the Forest Reference Line?
FORCLIMIT staff participated in two meetings in Brussels discussing how to develop the Forest Reference Line.

By 2050 the Mitigation Effects of EU Forests Could Nearly Double through Climate Smart Forestry
In July 2016, the European Commission (EC) published a legislative proposal for incorporating greenhouse gas emissions and removals due to Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) into its 2030 Climate and Energy Framework.

Political Footballs – And How to Punt Past Them
David Ellison from Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) presented the topic Political Footballs – And How to Punt Past Them

Forest Potential in the Climate Policy Framework
David Ellison from Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) presented the topic Forest Potential in the Climate Policy Framework