Albedo in boreal forest
2024/01/29 by Ole Martin Bollandsås
Filed as: Albedo in boreal forest, Current projects, ProjectList, Projects
Mapping of drought stress in spruce using remote sensing
2024/01/02 by Ole Martin Bollandsås
Filed as: Current projects, Projects, Tørkestress
Soil carbon storage in the forest-tundra ecotone: insights from field- and remotely sensed data
2024/01/02 by Ole Martin Bollandsås
Filed as: Phd thesis, Uncategorized
Biodiversity mapping of forests from above (BioDivAbove)
2023/09/01 by Marie-Claude Jutras-Perreault
Filed as: Current projects, ProjectList, Uncategorized
Assessing condition and changes in forest ecosystems using remotely sensed data
2023/08/25 by Ole Martin Bollandsås
Filed as: Phd thesis, Publications, Uncategorized
Detection of Root, Butt, and Stem Rot in Picea Abies with Remotely sensed Data
2023/03/24 by Terje Gobakken
Filed as: Phd thesis, Precision, Uncategorized
Presentasjoner fra Takst- og planseminar 2023
2023/03/16 by Lennart Noordermeer
Filed as: Seminars
Monitoring tree occupancy and height in the Norwegian alpine treeline using a time series of airborne laser scanner data
2023/01/27 by Lennart Noordermeer
Filed as: Uncategorized
(Norsk) Takst- og planseminar 2023
2023/01/25 by Lennart Noordermeer
Filed as: Seminars
Risk and uncertainties incorporated in the management of root and butt rot infected forest areas
2022/12/01 by Terje Gobakken
Filed as: Phd thesis, Precision
End seminar – ForestPotential
2022/10/17 by Ole Martin Bollandsås
Filed as: ForestPotential
(Norsk) Resultater fra analyser av takstproduktet SR16
2022/08/20 by Ole Martin Bollandsås
Filed as: SR16
(Norsk) Ny feltkampanje for overvåking av den alpine tregrensen i Norge gjennomført sommeren 2022
2022/08/20 by Ole Martin Bollandsås
Filed as: ForestPotential
Fine-spatial radiation measurements for heterogeneous boreal–alpine and sub-alpine vegetation
2022/06/17 by Terje Gobakken
Filed as: Phd thesis, Uncategorized
The role of biotic and abiotic factors on treeline ecotone dynamics: studies using field observations and remote sensing
2022/06/03 by Ole Martin Bollandsås
Filed as: Phd thesis, Uncategorized
Application of external prediction models in forest management inventories based on airborne laser scanning
2022/05/06 by Ole Martin Bollandsås
Filed as: Phd thesis, Uncategorized
Estimating Timber Volume using Harvester Data and Airborne Laser Scanner Data from Multiple Acquisitions
2022/03/07 by Lennart Noordermeer
Filed as: Precision, Projects
Forests4Society: Forest functions in the past, present and future – what can society expect from forests under climate change?
2021/12/01 by Marie-Claude Jutras-Perreault
Filed as: Old projects, ProjectList
Predicting the impact of drought and increased temperatures on boreal forest ecosystems in Norway (PREDICT)
2021/12/01 by Marie-Claude Jutras-Perreault
Filed as: Current projects, ProjectList
Remote sensing-based mapping and monitoring of the forest ecosystem
2021/03/11 by Hans Ole Ørka
Filed as: Old projects, Projects
Fieldwork 2020
2020/11/13 by Ole Martin Bollandsås
Filed as: ForestPotential
Modelling and estimating tree and forest resources of the Dry Afromontane forests in South-central Ethiopia using field and remotely sensed data
2020/10/31 by Terje Gobakken
Filed as: Phd thesis
Sentinel-1 for Science Amazonas
2020/10/15 by Ole Martin Bollandsås
Filed as: Current projects, ProjectList, Projects, Sentinel14Science
2020/10/01 by Terje Gobakken
Filed as: Current projects, Projects
Large-area forest productivity estimation using bitemporal data from airborne laser scanning and digital aerial photogrammetry
2020/05/05 by Ole Martin Bollandsås
Filed as: Phd thesis
Project meeting
2020/03/10 by Ole Martin Bollandsås
Filed as: ForestPotential
Skogplanseminar 2020
2020/02/13 by Ole Martin Bollandsås
Filed as: Presentations, Seminars
NOBEL – Novel business models and mechanisms for the sustainable supply of and payment for forest ecosystem services
2018/11/14 by Terje Gobakken
Filed as: NOBEL, Old projects, Projects
Completed data collection in 2018
2018/10/12 by Ole Martin Bollandsås
Filed as: ForestPotential
Check how much forest there is where you live
2018/05/31 by Hans Ole Ørka
Filed as: Uncategorized
(Norsk) Masteroppgave: Allelopatisk effekt av krekling på rekruttering og overlevelse av pionertrær i tregrenseøkotonen.
2018/03/23 by Ole Martin Bollandsås
Filed as: ForestPotential
Startup meeting
2018/03/23 by Ole Martin Bollandsås
Filed as: ForestPotential
Mapping natural forest by means of remote sensing
2018/03/15 by Hans Ole Ørka
Filed as: Old projects, Projects
Master thesis: Detection of rot in standing trees using airborne hyper spectral data
2018/03/07 by Ole Martin Bollandsås
Filed as: Precision
(Norsk) Masteroppgave: Analyse av klassifiseringsnøyaktigheten av livsmiljøet “Gamle trær” innenfor MIS-systemet
2018/03/03 by Ole Martin Bollandsås
Filed as: Uncategorized
Master thesis: Regional differences in recruitment, mortality and growth of pioneer trees in the treeline ecotone
2018/03/03 by Ole Martin Bollandsås
Filed as: ForestPotential
(Norsk) PreMiNa
2018/01/26 by Terje Gobakken
Filed as: Fjernanalysedata ved MiS-kartlegging, Old projects, Projects
(Norsk) Gjenbruk av prøveflatedata
2018/01/26 by Terje Gobakken
Filed as: Gjenbruk av prøveflatedata, Old projects, Projects
2018/01/26 by Terje Gobakken
Filed as: Old projects, Precision, Projects
2018/01/26 by Terje Gobakken
Filed as: ForClimit, Old projects, Projects
2018/01/25 by Ole Martin Bollandsås
Filed as: ForestPotential, Old projects, Projects
2018/01/01 by Hans Ole Ørka
Filed as: Bionær, Old projects, Projects
Biomass stock and change estimation in boreal forests using remotely sensed data – results from empirical studies and simulations
2017/09/15 by Terje Gobakken
Filed as: Hedmark, Phd thesis
Fusion of airborne laser scanning and hyperspectral data for predicting forest characteristics at different spatial scales
2017/08/25 by Hans Ole Ørka
Filed as: HyperBio, Phd thesis
Use of photogrammetric 3D data for forest inventory
2017/05/12 by Terje Gobakken
Filed as: Bildematching, Phd thesis, UAV Forestry
Forest resource mapping using 3D remote sensing: Combining national forest inventory data and digital aerial photogrammetry
2017/05/01 by Terje Gobakken
Filed as: Phd thesis
2017/01/26 by Terje Gobakken
Filed as: HyperBio, Old projects, Projects
Biomass estimation models and methods for miombo woodlands of Malawi using field and remotely sensed data
2016/12/16 by Terje Gobakken
Filed as: Bildematching, Phd thesis, Publications, UAV Forestry
Forest planing seminar 2016
2016/11/21 by Hans Ole Ørka
Filed as: Presentations, Seminars
Use of remote sensing for mapping of non-native conifer species
2016/10/19 by Hans Ole Ørka
Filed as: Non-native species
Can we discriminating between Native Norway Spruce and Invasive Sitka Spruce?
2016/10/19 by Hans Ole Ørka
Filed as: Non-native species
Use of remote sensing for mapping of non-native conifer species
2016/03/04 by Hans Ole Ørka
Filed as: Non-native species, Old projects, Projects
Accuracy of forest stand estimates
2016/03/04 by Terje Gobakken
Filed as: Nøyaktigheten på skogbruksplanen, Old projects, Projects
Developing methods for biomass and carbon assessment for miombo woodlands, pine plantations and agroforestry fields in Malawi
2016/03/04 by Terje Gobakken
Filed as: Malawi, Old projects, Projects
Use of 3D-data from image matching in forest standwise inventories
2016/03/04 by Terje Gobakken
Filed as: Bildematching, Old projects, Projects
Estimating Forest and Shrub Aboveground Dry Biomass in the Tanana Valley, Alaska using Ground Plots and Airborne Lidar Data
2016/03/04 by Terje Gobakken
Filed as: Alaska, Old projects, Projects
Estimation of biomass in tropical rainforest using airborne laser scanning
2016/03/02 by Terje Gobakken
Filed as: Phd thesis, Tanzania
Methods for estimating volume, biomass and tree species diversity using field inventory and airborne laser scanning in the tropical forests of Tanzania
2016/03/02 by Terje Gobakken
Filed as: Phd thesis, Tanzania
2015/12/13 by Hans Ole Ørka
Filed as: Old projects, Projects
Successful seminar on vegetation changes in tree line
2015/12/01 by Hans Ole Ørka
Filed as: NORKLIMA, Seminars
One-day Workshop “Technical challenges for REDD+ and some recent advances in MRV”
2015/09/24 by Terje Gobakken
Filed as: Projects, Seminars, Tanzania
Public PhD dissertations October 2015
2015/09/24 by Terje Gobakken
Filed as: Tanzania
2015/09/22 by Hans Ole Ørka
Filed as: NORKLIMA, Seminars
2015/08/22 by Hans Ole Ørka
Filed as: Old projects, Projects, Tanzania
LiDAR, habitat structure and the ecology of ungulates in a landscape of fear
2015/02/14 by Terje Gobakken
Filed as: Phd thesis
UAV in forest planning
2015/01/21 by Hans Ole Ørka
Filed as: UAV Forestry
An ecological application: Using airborne laser scanning to study risk habitat for roe deer
2014/07/01 by Hans Ole Ørka
Filed as: Publications
Assessing forest inventory information obtained from different inventory approaches and remote sensing data sources
2014/06/11 by Hans Ole Ørka
Filed as: Flexwood
On individual tree competition indices, airborne laser scanning, and plot edge bias
2014/03/27 by Hans Ole Ørka
Filed as: Phd thesis
Modelling presence of swamp forest and forest dwelling birds in a boreal forest reserve using airborne laser scanning
2013/11/05 by Hans Ole Ørka
Filed as: Phd thesis
Prediction of diameter distribution with MSN and SUR
2013/10/09 by Hans Ole Ørka
Filed as: Projects, Publications
Interpreting cultural remains in airborne laser scanning generated digital terrain models: effects of size and shape on detection success rates
2013/09/12 by Hans Ole Ørka
Filed as: NIKU, Publications
Deriving individual tree competition indices from airborne laser scanning
2013/05/24 by Hans Ole Ørka
Filed as: Publications
Model-assisted estimation of change in forest biomass over an 11 year period in a sample survey supported by airborne LiDAR: A case study with post-stratification to provide “activity data”
2013/04/30 by Hans Ole Ørka
Filed as: Publications
Teaching forest monitoring in Tanzania
2013/04/02 by Hans Ole Ørka
Filed as: In the news
Simultaneously acquired airborne laser scanning and multispectral imagery for individual tree species identification
2013/03/11 by Hans Ole Ørka
Filed as: Flexwood, Publications
Identify forest degradation and deforestation
2013/01/30 by Hans Ole Ørka
Filed as: In the news
Estimating forest biomass components by airborne and terrestrial laser scanning
2012/12/17 by Hans Ole Ørka
Filed as: Phd thesis
Estimating potential logging residues by airborne laser scanning
2012/12/17 by Hans Ole Ørka
Filed as: Publications
Using airborne small-footprint laser scanner data for detection of cultural remains in forests: an experimental study of the effects of pulse density and DTM smoothing
2012/12/03 by Hans Ole Ørka
Filed as: NIKU, Projects
Detection of small single trees in the forest-tundra ecotone using airborne laser scanning
2012/11/28 by Hans Ole Ørka
Filed as: Phd thesis
Marcus Wallenberg Prize: A conversation with Erik
2012/11/21 by Hans Ole Ørka
Filed as: In the news
Assessing the accuracy of regional LiDAR-based biomass estimation using a simulation approach
2012/11/13 by Hans Ole Ørka
Filed as: Hedmark, Publications
Estimating biomass in Hedmark County, Norway using national forest inventory field plots and airborne laserscanning
2012/10/08 by Hans Ole Ørka
Filed as: Hedmark, Publications
Lidar sampling — Using an airborne profiler to estimate forest biomass in Hedmark County, Norway
2012/08/30 by Hans Ole Ørka
Filed as: Hedmark, Publications
Single tree detection in heterogeneous boreal forests using airborne laser scanning and area-based stem number estimates
2012/06/28 by Hans Ole Ørka
Filed as: Publications, WW-IRIS
Methods for enhancing forest inventories at different spatial scales using auxiliary information
2012/05/02 by Hans Ole Ørka
Filed as: Phd thesis, Publications
Subalpine zone delineation using LiDAR and Landsat imagery
2012/02/28 by Hans Ole Ørka
Filed as: NORKLIMA, Publications
Detection of small single trees in the forest–tundra ecotone using height values from airborne laser scanning
2011/12/22 by Hans Ole Ørka
Filed as: NORKLIMA, Publications
2011/12/06 by Hans Ole Ørka
Filed as: Laser-2, Old projects, Projects
2011/12/01 by Hans Ole Ørka
Filed as: Old projects, Projects
2011/11/03 by Hans Ole Ørka
Filed as: Old projects, Projects, WW-IRIS
Measuring biomass in Tanzanian rainforest – Fieldwork
2011/11/03 by Hans Ole Ørka
Filed as: Tanzania
2011/11/01 by Hans Ole Ørka
Filed as: Hedmark, Old projects, Projects
The Marcus Wallenberg Prize
2011/10/25 by Hans Ole Ørka
Filed as: In the news
Mapping timber quality using laser
2011/10/17 by Hans Ole Ørka
Filed as: Old projects, Projects
Use of Airborne Laser Scanner Data for Ecological Applications
2011/10/17 by Hans Ole Ørka
Filed as: Seminars
Study changing tree lines with airborne laser scanning
2011/10/14 by Hans Ole Ørka
Filed as: NORKLIMA
Detection of cultural heritage in forests
2011/10/13 by Hans Ole Ørka
Filed as: Old projects, Projects
Overview of other former research project
2011/10/13 by Hans Ole Ørka
Filed as: Old projects, ProjectList
New web pages
2011/10/13 by Hans Ole Ørka
Filed as: Uncategorized
Improving Forest Inventory and Monitoring by combining Remotely Sensed Three-Dimensional and Spectral Information
2011/06/24 by Hans Ole Ørka
Filed as: Phd thesis, Publications
Seminar forest inventory and planning
2011/04/13 by Hans Ole Ørka
Filed as: Seminars
2009/12/12 by Hans Ole Ørka
Filed as: In the news
Mapping biomass and carbon on a global level
2009/01/02 by Hans Ole Ørka
Filed as: Projects
Short and long term mapping of the effects of global climate change on forests
2009/01/02 by Hans Ole Ørka
Filed as: NORKLIMA, Projects
Mapping forest resources on regional and national levels
2009/01/01 by Hans Ole Ørka
Filed as: Hedmark
Uneven-aged forestry in Norway: Inventory and management models
2008/01/18 by Hans Ole Ørka
Filed as: Phd thesis, Publications
Aerial surveys of biomass
2007/01/01 by Hans Ole Ørka
Filed as: In the news
TreIndustrien: Measuring forest with laser
2006/09/19 by Hans Ole Ørka
Filed as: In the news
Forests mapping with airborne lasers
2006/09/11 by Hans Ole Ørka
Filed as: In the news
LiDAR workshop 2006
2006/08/31 by Hans Ole Ørka
Filed as: Seminars