Andre publikasjoner (proceedings, rapporter etc.) av forskere ved INAs forskningsgruppen for skogtakstasjon:
- Noordermeer, L., & Gobaken, T.. (2023). Nytt posisjoneringssytem på hogstmaskin. [Journal Article].
[Bibtex]@Misc{Noordermeer2023, author = {Noordermeer, Lennart and Gobaken, Terje}, title = {Nytt posisjoneringssytem på hogstmaskin}, year = {2023}, journal = {Norsk Skogbruk}, pages = {49-51}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = {4}, }
- Bollandsås, O. M., de Lera Garrido, A., Næsset, E., & Gobaken, T.. (2022). Kan skogbruksplanen utarbeides basert på sr16?. [Journal Article].
[Bibtex]@Misc{Bollandsaas2022, author = {Bollandsås, Ole Martin and de Lera Garrido, Ana and Næsset, Erik and Gobaken, Terje}, title = {Kan skogbruksplanen utarbeides basert på SR16?}, year = {2022}, journal = {Norsk Skogbruk}, pages = {3}, type = {Journal Article}, url = {}, volume = {12}, }
- Bollandsås, O. M., de Lera Garrido, A., Næsset, E., & Gobakken, T.. (2021). Gamle data til nye takster.. [Journal Article].
[Bibtex]@Misc{Bollandsaas2021, author = {Bollandsås, Ole M. and de Lera Garrido, Ana and Næsset, Erik and Gobakken, Terje}, title = {Gamle data til nye takster.}, year = {2021}, journal = {Norsk Skogbruk}, pages = {2}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = {3}, }
- Noordermeer, L., Bollandsås, O. M., Gobakken, T., & Dypsund, S.. (2019). Ny og automatisert boniteringsmetode tatt i bruk i skogbruksplanleggingen øker nytteverdien for skogeier. [Journal Article].
[Bibtex]@Misc{Noordermeer2019b, author = {Noordermeer, Lennart and Bollandsås, Ole M. and Gobakken, Terje and Dypsund, Svein}, title = {Ny og automatisert boniteringsmetode tatt i bruk i skogbruksplanleggingen øker nytteverdien for skogeier}, year = {2019}, journal = {Norsk Skogbruk}, pages = {4}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = {12}, }
- Hansen, E. H., Hauglin, K. M., Maltamao, M., Gobaken, T., & Næsset, E.. (2019). Mapping forest attributes using accurately positioned tree-level harvester data and airborne laser scanning. In Berg, S., & Talbot, B. (Eds.), In Forest operations in response to environmental challenges – proceedings of the nordic-baltic operational research (, Vol. 5(6), pp. 95). Ås: Nibio.
[Bibtex]@InBook{Hansen2019, author = {Hansen, E. H. and Hauglin, K. M. and Maltamao, Matti and Gobaken, Terje and Næsset, Erik}, editor = {Berg, S. and Talbot, B.}, pages = {95}, publisher = {NIBIO}, title = {Mapping forest attributes using accurately positioned tree-level harvester data and airborne laser scanning}, year = {2019}, address = {Ås}, type = {Book Section}, volume = {5(6)}, booktitle = {Forest operations in response to environmental challenges - proceedings of the Nordic-Baltic operational research}, url = {}, }
- Gobakken, T., Næsset, E., Hauglin, M., Dypsund, S., & Sørngård, E.. (2018). Hogstmaskinen som skogtaksator. [Journal Article].
[Bibtex]@Misc{Gobakken2018, author = {Gobakken, Terje and Næsset, Erik and Hauglin, Marius and Dypsund, Svein and Sørngård, Erik}, title = {Hogstmaskinen som skogtaksator}, year = {2018}, groups = {[hanso:]}, journal = {Norsk Skogbruk}, pages = {48-50}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = {4}, }
- Kandare, K.. ((2017). Fusion of airborne laser scanning and hyperspectral data for predicting forest characteristics at different spatial scales.). PhD Thesis.
[Bibtex]@PhdThesis{Kandare2017, Title = {Fusion of airborne laser scanning and hyperspectral data for predicting forest characteristics at different spatial scales}, Author = {Kaja Kandare}, School = {Norwegian University of Life Sciences}, Year = {2017}, Owner = {hanso}, Timestamp = {2017.09.06}, Url = {} }
- Puliti, S.. ((2017). Use of photogrammetric 3d data for forest inventory.). PhD Thesis.
[Bibtex]@PhdThesis{Puliti2017, Title = {Use of photogrammetric 3D data for forest inventory}, Author = {Stefano Puliti}, School = {Norwegian Universtiy of Life Sciences}, Year = {2017}, Abstract = {Aerial imagery have long been used as auxiliary information to reduce the costs of forest inventories. Due to the high correlation between tree height and forest biophysical properties, manual photogrammetric techniques have been applied to aerial imagery for the measurement of vertical canopy structure, an important variable in forest inventories. In the past decade years, major advances have resulted in the development of photogrammetric software for the automatic generation of photogrammetric data from digital imagery. As a result, user-friendly advanced photogrammetric software are now available on the market, allowing for an increasing number of users to produce dense three-dimensional (3D) photogrammetric point clouds. The increased accessibility to advanced software in addition to the large availability of aerial imagery has led to a renaissance in the use of photogrammetry for forest inventory. The smaller costs of acquiring photogrammetric data compared to alternative 3D remote sensing data (i.e., airborne laser scanning; ALS), make their use appealing. The four studies included in this thesis addressed the use of photogrammetric data for the two main categories of forest inventories, namely: forest management inventories (FMI) and large-scale forest surveys (LSFS). For both categories, this thesis illustrated potential applications for which photogrammetric data may be advantageous over alternative 3D remote sensing data. Wall-to-wall photogrammetric data produced from imagery collected using different platforms, i.e. a manned aircraft in paper I and an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) in paper II, were used to model forest biophysical properties of interest in FMI. Both structural and spectral variables from photogrammetric data were used as predictor variables. Furthermore, when available, accuracy figures from ALS based inventory were used as a benchmark. The accuracy assessment revealed that photogrammetric data were able to predict forest biophysical properties with similar accuracy to ALS data. Furthermore, the first two papers highlighted some advantages related to photogrammetry, namely: 1) the possibility to use spectral information for species-specific FMI, and 2) the versatility of acquiring photogrammetric data using UAVs. Moreover, the possibility to use UAVs in forest inventories was further addressed by illustrating LSFS applications for which UAVs could be cost-efficient. As a means of reducing the costs for RS auxiliary data acquisition, UAV data were acquired as a sample (i.e. partial-coverage) over a large area. In paper III the sample of UAV data, together with a subsample of field data were used in a hybrid inferential framework to estimate growing stock volume (GSV) and assess its uncertainty. Such an approach enabled an increase in precision compared to design-based estimates using only field data. In paper IV, these data sources were augmented by a third wall-to-wall layer of Sentinel-2 multispectral data as a means of further increasing the precision of the estimator. In the latter case, the recently developed hierarchical model-based inference was adopted to enable a statistically rigorous estimation of the GSV and its uncertainty. This approach resulted in a slight increase in the precision of the hybrid estimator. Nevertheless, it allowed for a reduction of the UAV sampling intensity, hence reducing the UAV acquisition costs substantially. Overall, the thesis concluded that photogrammetric data will have an increasingly important role in forest inventories. Not only are comparable levels of accuracy achievable, but their use can be more cost-efficient than alternative 3D remotely sensed data. Even though further research in different forestry settings should confirm our findings, the applications described in this thesis were found to have potential for operational use.}, Owner = {hanso}, Timestamp = {2017.09.06}, Url = {} }
- Rahlf, J.. ((2017). Forest resource mapping using 3d remote sensing: combining national forest inventory data and digital aerial photogrammetry.). PhD Thesis.
[Bibtex]@PhdThesis{Rahlf2017, Title = {Forest resource mapping using 3D remote sensing: Combining national forest inventory data and digital aerial photogrammetry}, Author = {Johannes Rahlf}, School = {Norwegian Universtiy of Life Sciences}, Year = {2017}, Abstract = {National forest inventories (NFI) provide information at national and regional scales. At smaller scales, however, often too few sample plots are available for accurate estimates. The increasing availability of large area 3D remote sensing data gives the opportunity to create wall-to-wall forest maps based on reference data from NFIs. Digital aerial photogrammetry (DAP) allows the creation of detailed 3D information from overlapping digital aerial images over large areas at low costs. The objective of this thesis was to assess the use of DAP in combination with NFI data. In the first study, DAP was compared to other 3D remote sensing techniques, namely airborne laser scanning (ALS), satellite interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR), and satellite radargrammetry based on the accuracies of timber volume models. All models had good model fits. It could be shown that at stand level predictions with ALS were slightly more accurate than predictions based on DAP, which were more accurate than predictions using satellite SAR data. The second study analyzed the use of DAP in a semi individual tree crown (semi-ITC) approach for modeling various forest parameters. At plot level, timber volume predictions of the semi-ITC approach had accuracies and systematic errors similar to the area based approach (ABA). Multivariate kNN models were slightly more accurate with the semi-ITC approach than with the ABA, but had larger systematic errors. In the third study a timber volume model was fit for a large study area and the influence of large-area factors on the accuracy of timber volume predictions was investigated. The obtained accuracy of the predictions was lower than reported for earlier studies conducted on smaller study areas. The solar incidence angle relative to the terrain had a significant influence on the model. Finally, the use of DAP for an operational forest resource map was analyzed. Various forest parameters were mapped for a large area using 3D and spectral information from DAP combined with NFI data. Forest parameter models were less accurate than reported for earlier studies on small areas, but stand volume estimates were in line with existing forest management inventories. Model-assisted estimates at regional and municipality level were more precise than estimates based on NFI sample plots alone. The update of a forest mask produced a highly accurate classification of forest and non-forest. A tree species classification showed low accuracies, which, however did not differ greatly from accuracies reported in earlier studies. In conclusion, the combination of DAP with NFI data allows cost-efficient mapping of forest parameters over large areas with high detail. Such maps showed to improve the estimates of the Norwegian NFI at various scales. Stand-level estimates of large mapping applications might be sufficiently accurate to be used in forest management planning or in the design of forest management inventories.}, Owner = {hanso}, Timestamp = {2017.09.06}, Url = {} }
- Strîmbu, V. F.. ((2017). Biomass stock and change estimation in boreal forests using remotely sensed data – results from empirical studies and simulations.). PhD Thesis.
[Bibtex]@PhdThesis{Strimbu2017, Title = {Biomass stock and change estimation in boreal forests using remotely sensed data – results from empirical studies and simulations}, Author = {Strîmbu, V. F.}, School = {Norwegian University of Life Sciences}, Year = {2017}, Owner = {hanso}, Timestamp = {2018.04.03}, Url = {} }
- Kachamba, D.. ((2016). Biomass estimation models and methods for miombo woodlands of malawi using field and remotely sensed data.). PhD Thesis.
[Bibtex]@PhdThesis{Kachamb2016, Title = {Biomass estimation models and methods for miombo woodlands of Malawi using field and remotely sensed data}, Author = {Daud Kachamba}, School = {Norwegian University of Life Sciences}, Year = {2016}, Abstract = {Dry tropical forests, such as the miombo woodlands, play an important role in the global carbon budget as well as in contributing towards the sustainable development of countries such as Malawi. To ensure sustainability of these forests, availability of models and methods for assisting forest managers in quantifying volume and biomass are indispensable. This thesis therefore sought to develop volume and biomass prediction models as well as to test the potential of applying unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in biomass prediction and estimation in miombo woodlands. In Paper 1 and 2, we developed models for predicting tree sectional (twigs, merchantable stem and branches) volume and biomass, total tree volume as well as tree above-and belowground biomass. The performances and evaluations suggested that the models can be used over a wide range of geographical and ecological conditions in Malawi with an appropriate accuracy in predictions. Application of UAVs for biomass prediction and estimation were tested and the results are presented in Papers 3 and 4. In Paper 3, we tested methods to derive digital terrain models (DTMs) while Paper 4 focused on the assessment of the efficiency of UAV-assisted inventories as well as the influence of sample plot sizes and number of sample plots on the precision of biomass estimates. The results, presented in Paper 3, show that among the tested DTMs, the model developed from unsupervised ground filtering based on a grid search approach performed best. Furthermore, the observed prediction errors for the biomass predictions are similar to results from previous studies using airborne laser scanning (ALS) data, thus showing the potential of applying this technology in miombo woodlands. Finally, Paper 4 demonstrated that UAV-assisted inventories produce more precise estimates compared to those based on purely field-based inventories. The results also indicated that large sample plot sizes and sample sizes favour UAV-assisted inventories and that UAV-assisted inventories are more efficient than purely field-based inventories. The developed models and the results from the tested methods presented in the thesis have taken us some steps forward that are expected to support and improve forest management decision-making in general as well as the implementation of a REDD+ MRV system covering the miombo woodlands of Malawi.}, Owner = {hanso}, Timestamp = {2017.09.06}, Url = {} }
- Ørka, H. O., & Hauglin, M.. (2016). Use of remote sensing for mapping of non-native conifer species (INA fagrapportNo. 33). Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Faculty of Environmental Science and Technology, Department of Ecology and Natural Resource Management.
[Bibtex]@TechReport{Oerka2016, author = {Ørka, Hans Ole and Hauglin, Marius}, institution = {Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Faculty of Environmental Science and Technology, Department of Ecology and Natural Resource Management}, title = {Use of remote sensing for mapping of non-native conifer species}, year = {2016}, number = {33}, type = {INA fagrapport}, keywords = {Remote sensing, non-native species, species distribution maps, satellite imagery, aerial imagery, airborne laser scanning, tree species classification.}, owner = {hanso}, timestamp = {2016.10.19}, url = {}, }
- Hansen, E. H.. ((2015). Estimation of biomass in tropical rainforest using airborne laser scanning.). PhD Thesis.
[Bibtex]@PhdThesis{Hansen2015, Title = {Estimation of biomass in tropical rainforest using airborne laser scanning}, Author = {Hansen, Endre Hofstad}, School = {Norwegian University of Life Sciences}, Year = {2015}, Owner = {hanso}, Timestamp = {2016.03.02}, Url = {} }
- Lone, K.. ((2015). Lidar, habitat structure and the ecology of ungulates in a landscape of fear.). PhD Thesis.
[Bibtex]@PhdThesis{Lone2015, Title = {LiDAR, habitat structure and the ecology of ungulates in a landscape of fear}, Author = {Lone,K.}, School = {Norwegian University of Life Sciences}, Year = {2015}, Owner = {hanso}, Timestamp = {2016.03.02}, Url = {} }
- Mauya, E. W.. ((2015). Methods for estimating volume, biomass and tree species diversity using field inventory and airborne laser scanning in the tropical forests of tanzania.). PhD Thesis.
[Bibtex]@PhdThesis{Mauya2015, Title = {Methods for estimating volume, biomass and tree species diversity using field inventory and airborne laser scanning in the tropical forests of Tanzania}, Author = {Mauya, E.W.}, School = {Norwegian University of Life Sciences}, Year = {2015}, Owner = {hanso}, Timestamp = {2016.03.02}, Url = {} }
- Næsset, E.. (2015). Forest monitoring with airborne laser scanning in tanzania (Rapport). Norwegian University of Life Sciences.
[Bibtex]@TechReport{Naesset2015e, Title = {Forest monitoring with airborne laser scanning in Tanzania}, Author = {Næsset, E.}, Institution = {Norwegian University of Life Sciences}, Year = {2015}, Type = {Rapport}, Owner = {hanso}, Timestamp = {2016.03.01}, Url = {} }
- Næsset, E., & Gobakken, T.. (2015). Ressursregistrering og skogbruksplanlegging – en renessanse for flybildene?. [Journal Article].
[Bibtex]@Misc{Naesset2015f, author = {Næsset, E. and Gobakken, T.}, title = {Ressursregistrering og skogbruksplanlegging – en renessanse for flybildene?}, year = {2015}, journal = {Norsk Skogbruk}, owner = {hanso}, pages = {34-37}, timestamp = {2016.03.01}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = {2}, }
- Næsset, E., Gobakken, T., & Zahabu, E.. (2015). Estimation of biomass and biomass change at regional level using laser scanning in combination with the nation-wide naforma sample survey – performance and cost efficiency. In Forest monitoring with airborne laser scanning in tanzania (pp. 22-30). Norwegian university of life sciences.
[Bibtex]@InBook{Naesset2015b, Title = {Estimation of biomass and biomass change at regional level using laser scanning in combination with the nation-wide NAFORMA sample survey - performance and cost efficiency}, Author = {Næsset, Erik and Gobakken, Terje and Zahabu, Eliakimu}, Pages = {22-30}, Publisher = {Norwegian University of Life Sciences}, Year = {2015}, Series = {INA fagrapport}, Type = {Book Section}, Booktitle = {Forest monitoring with airborne laser scanning in Tanzania}, Owner = {hanso}, Timestamp = {2016.03.01} }
- Næsset, E., Hansen, E. H., Mauya, E., Gobakken, T., & Zahabu, E.. (2015). Technical issues related to improved performance of laser scanning for topographic terrain modelling and biomass estimation. In Forest monitoring with airborne laser scanning in tanzania (pp. 15-21). Norwegian university of life sciences.
[Bibtex]@InBook{Naesset2015c, Title = {Technical issues related to improved performance of laser scanning for topographic terrain modelling and biomass estimation}, Author = {Næsset, Erik and Hansen, Endre Hofstad and Mauya, Ernest and Gobakken, Terje and Zahabu, Eliakimu}, Pages = {15-21}, Publisher = {Norwegian University of Life Sciences}, Year = {2015}, Series = {INA fagrapport}, Type = {Book Section}, Booktitle = {Forest monitoring with airborne laser scanning in Tanzania}, Owner = {hanso}, Timestamp = {2016.03.01} }
- Næsset, E., Hansen, E. H., Mauya, E., Gobakken, T., & Zahabu, E.. (2015). Modeling and mapping of forest biomass and tree species diversity. In Forest monitoring with airborne laser scanning in tanzania (pp. 7-14). Norwegian university of life sciences.
[Bibtex]@InBook{Naesset2015d, Title = {Modeling and mapping of forest biomass and tree species diversity}, Author = {Næsset, Erik and Hansen, Endre Hofstad and Mauya, Ernest and Gobakken, Terje and Zahabu, Eliakimu}, Pages = {7-14}, Publisher = {Norwegian University of Life Sciences}, Year = {2015}, Series = {INA fagrapport}, Type = {Book Section}, Booktitle = {Forest monitoring with airborne laser scanning in Tanzania}, Owner = {hanso}, Timestamp = {2016.03.01} }
- Buongiorno, J., Bollandsås, O. M., Halvorsen, E. A., Gobakken, T., & Hofstad, O.. (2014). Economic supply of carbon storage through management of uneven-aged forests. In Kant, S., & Alavalapati, J. (Eds.), In Handbook of forest resource economics (pp. 576). Routledge.
[Bibtex]@InBook{Buongiorno2014, Title = {Economic Supply of Carbon Storage through Management of Uneven-Aged Forests}, Author = {Buongiorno, Joseph and Bollandsås, Ole Martin and Halvorsen, Espen Andreas and Gobakken, Terje and Hofstad, Ole}, Editor = {Kant, Shashi and Alavalapati, Janaki}, Pages = {576}, Publisher = {Routledge}, Year = {2014}, Booktitle = {Handbook of Forest Resource Economics}, Owner = {hanso}, Timestamp = {2014.10.14} }
- Pedersen, R. Ø.. ((2014). On individual tree competition indices, airborne laser scanning, and plot edge bias.). PhD Thesis.
[Bibtex]@PhdThesis{Pedersen2014, Title = {On individual tree competition indices, airborne laser scanning, and plot edge bias}, Author = {Rune Østergaard Pedersen}, School = {Norwegian University of Life Sciences}, Year = {2014}, Owner = {hanso}, Timestamp = {2014.03.27}, Url = {} }
- Dalponte, M., Ene, L. T., Ørka, H. O., Gobakken, T., & Naesset, E.. (2013). Unsupervised selection of training plots and trees for tree species classification. Paper presented at the Geoscience and remote sensing symposium (igarss), 2013 ieee international.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{Dalponte2013, Title = {Unsupervised selection of training plots and trees for tree species classification}, Author = {Dalponte, M. and Ene, L. T. and Ørka, H. O. and Gobakken, T. and Naesset, E.}, Booktitle = {Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2013 IEEE International}, Year = {2013}, Pages = {2095-2098}, Abstract = {In this study we introduced a novel unsupervised selection method for collecting training samples for tree species classification at individual tree crown (ITC) level using hyperspectral data. The selection process is based on a search strategy and a distance metric defined among the percentiles derived from the spectral distributions of the pixels inside the ITCs. The method was developed using two kinds of samples: i) plots, and ii) ITCs. The experimental results indicated that the method allows reducing the amount of training samples needed for the classification process, without significantly decreasing the classification accuracy.}, Keywords = {geophysical techniques remote sensing vegetation mapping ITC level classification accuracy classification process distance metric hyperspectral data individual tree crown level novel unsupervised selection method pixelsspectral distributions sample kinds search strategy selection process training plot unsupervised selection training sample amount training sample collection tree species classification tree unsupervised selection Accuracy Hyperspectral imaging Support vector machines Training Vegetation SVM field data collection}, Owner = {hanso}, Timestamp = {2014.10.15} }
- Dirksen, J. W.. ((2013). Modelling presence of swamp forest and forest dwelling birds in a boreal forest reserve using airborne laser scanning.). PhD Thesis.
[Bibtex]@PhdThesis{Dirksen2013, Title = {Modelling presence of swamp forest and forest dwelling birds in a boreal forest reserve using airborne laser scanning}, Author = {John Wirkola Dirksen}, School = {Norwegian University of Life Sciences}, Year = {2013}, Owner = {hanso}, Timestamp = {2013.11.05}, Url = {} }
- Persello, C., Dalponte, M., Gobakken, T., & Næsset, E.. (2013). Optimizing the ground sample collection with cost-sensitive active learning for tree species classification using hyperspectral images. Paper presented at the Geoscience and remote sensing symposium (igarss), 2013 ieee international.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{Persello2013, Title = {Optimizing the ground sample collection with cost-sensitive active learning for tree species classification using hyperspectral images}, Author = {Persello, C. and Dalponte, M. and Gobakken, T. and Næsset, E.}, Booktitle = {Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2013 IEEE International}, Year = {2013}, Pages = {2091-2094}, Abstract = {This study presents a cost-sensitive active learning method for optimizing the field surveys by a human expert in the classification of single tree species using hyperspectral images. The goal of the proposed method is to guide the human expert in the collection of labeled samples in order to maximize the ratio between the classification accuracy with respect to the travelling costs. Experiments carried out in the context of a real study on forest inventory show the effectiveness of the proposed method.}, Keywords = {geophysical image processing hyperspectral imaging image classification learning (artificial intelligence) vegetation mapping classification accuracy cost-sensitive active learning method field surveys forest inventory hyperspectral images travelling costs tree species classification Accuracy Labeling Standards Training Vegetation Active Learning Forestry Hyperspectral Data Support Vector Machine}, Owner = {hanso}, Timestamp = {2014.10.15} }
- Ene, L. T.. ((2012). Methods for enhancing forest inventories at different spatial scales using auxiliary information.). PhD Thesis.
[Bibtex]@PhdThesis{Ene2012a, Title = {Methods for enhancing forest inventories at different spatial scales using auxiliary information}, Author = {Liviu Theodor Ene}, School = {Norwegian University of Life Sciences}, Year = {2012}, Owner = {hanso}, Timestamp = {2012.12.03}, Url = {} }
- Hauglin, M.. ((2012). Estimating forest biomass components by airborne and terrestrial laser scanning.). PhD Thesis.
[Bibtex]@PhdThesis{Hauglin2012, Title = {Estimating forest biomass components by airborne and terrestrial laser scanning}, Author = {Marius Hauglin}, School = {Norwegian University of Life Sciences}, Year = {2012}, Comment = {Thesis no. 54. 98 p.}, Owner = {hanso}, Timestamp = {2012.12.11}, Url = {} }
- Stumberg, N.. ((2012). Detection of small single trees in the forest-tundra ecotone using airborne laser scanning.). PhD Thesis.
[Bibtex]@PhdThesis{Stumberg2012, Title = {Detection of small single trees in the forest-tundra ecotone using airborne laser scanning}, Author = {Nadja Stumberg}, School = {Norwegian University of Life Sciences}, Year = {2012}, Owner = {hanso}, Timestamp = {2012.11.21}, Url = {} }
- Breidenbach, J., Næsset, E., & Gobakken, T.. (2011). Reducing extrapolation bias of area-based k-nearest neighbor predictions by using individual tree crown approaches in areas with high density airborne laser scanning data. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the international conference silvilaser 2011, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{Breidenbach2011, author = {Breidenbach, Johannes and Næsset, Erik and Gobakken, Terje}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference SilviLaser 2011}, title = {Reducing extrapolation bias of area-based k-nearest neighbor predictions by using individual tree crown approaches in areas with high density airborne laser scanning data}, year = {2011}, address = {University of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia}, pages = {8}, owner = {hanso}, timestamp = {2014.10.15}, }
- Hauglin, M., Dibdiakova, J., Gobakken, T., & Næsset, E.. (2011). Estimating single-tree branch biomass of norway spruce by airborne laser scanning. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the international conference silvilaser 2011, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{Hauglin2011, Title = {Estimating single-tree branch biomass of Norway spruce by airborne laser scanning}, Author = {Hauglin, Marius and Dibdiakova, J. and Gobakken, Terje and Næsset, Erik}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference SilviLaser 2011}, Year = {2011}, Address = {University of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia}, Pages = {9}, Owner = {hanso}, Timestamp = {2014.10.15} }
- Nelson, R. F., Næsset, E., Gobakken, T., Ene, L., Ståhl, G., & Gregoire, T.. (2011). Reducing extrapolation bias of area-based k-nearest neighbor predictions by using individual tree crown approaches in areas with high density airborne laser scanning data. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the international conference silvilaser 2011, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{Nelson2011, author = {Nelson, Ross F. and Næsset, Erik and Gobakken, Terje and Ene, Liviu and Ståhl, Göan and Gregoire, Tim}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference SilviLaser 2011}, title = {Reducing extrapolation bias of area-based k-nearest neighbor predictions by using individual tree crown approaches in areas with high density airborne laser scanning data}, year = {2011}, address = {University of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia}, pages = {9}, owner = {hanso}, timestamp = {2014.10.15}, }
- Sjølie, H. K., Latta, G. S., Gobakken, T., & Solberg, B.. (2011). Potentials and costs of climate change mitigation in the norwegian forest sector.. In Sjølie, H. K. (Ed.), In Analyses of the use of the norwegian forest sector in climate change mitigation. (Vol. 28). Ã…s: Norwegian university of life sciences, department of ecology and natural resource management..
[Bibtex]@InCollection{Solie2011, Title = {Potentials and costs of climate change mitigation in the Norwegian forest sector.}, Author = {Sjølie, Hanne K. and Latta, G.S. and Gobakken, Terje and Solberg, Birger}, Booktitle = {Analyses of the use of the Norwegian forest sector in climate change mitigation.}, Publisher = {Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Department of Ecology and Natural Resource Management.}, Year = {2011}, Address = {Ã…s}, Editor = {Sjølie, Hanne K.}, Series = {PhD thesis}, Volume = {28}, Owner = {hanso}, Timestamp = {2014.10.15} }
- Sjølie, H. K., Latta, G. S., Gobakken, T., & Solberg, B.. (2011). Norfor – a forest sector model of norway. model overview and structure.. .
[Bibtex]@Misc{Solie2011a, Title = {NorFor - a forest sector model of Norway. Model overview and structure.}, Author = {Sjølie, Hanne K. and Latta, G.S. and Gobakken, Terje and Solberg, Birger}, Year = {2011}, Owner = {hanso}, Pages = {15 pp + app.}, Timestamp = {2014.10.15}, Volume = {18} }
- Thieme, N., Bollandsås, O. M., Gobakken, T., & Næsset, E.. (2011). Assessing spatial variation for tree and non-tree objects in a forest-tundra ecotone in airborne laser scanning data. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the international conference silvilaser 2011, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{Thieme2011, Title = {Assessing spatial variation for tree and non-tree objects in a forest-tundra ecotone in airborne laser scanning data}, Author = {Thieme, Nadja and Bollandsås, Ole Martin and Gobakken, Terje and Næsset, Erik}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference SilviLaser 2011}, Year = {2011}, Address = {University of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia}, Pages = {8}, Owner = {hanso}, Timestamp = {2014.10.15} }
- Ørka, H. O.. ((2011). Improving forest inventory and monitoring by combining remotely sensed three-dimensional and spectral information.). PhD Thesis.
[Bibtex]@PhdThesis{Oerka2011, Title = {Improving Forest Inventory and Monitoring by combining Remotely Sensed Three-Dimensional and Spectral Information}, Author = {Hans Ole Ørka}, School = {Norwegian Univesity of Life Sciences}, Year = {2011}, Owner = {hanso}, Timestamp = {2012.12.03}, Url = {} }
- Nelson, R., Ståhl, G., Holm, S., Gregoire, T., Næsset, E., & Gobakken, T.. (2010). Using airborne and space lidars for large-area inventory. Paper presented at the Ieee international geoscience and remote sensing symposium (igarss).
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{Nelson2010, Title = {Using airborne and space LiDARs for large-area inventory}, Author = {Nelson, Ross and Ståhl, Gøran and Holm, Søren and Gregoire, Tim and Næsset, Erik and Gobakken, Terje}, Booktitle = {IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS)}, Year = {2010}, Month = {July 26-30, 2010, Honolulu, Hawaii USA.}, Pages = {2463--2466}, Owner = {hanso}, Timestamp = {2011.10.21} }
- Ørka, H. O., Wulder, M., Gobakken, T., & Næsset, E.. (2010). Integrating airborne laser scanner data and ancillary information for delineating the boreal-alpine transition zone in hedmark county, norway. Paper presented at the Proceedings of silvilaser 2010, the 10th annual conference on lidar applications for assessing forest ecosystems. freiburg, germany..
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{Oerka2010a, Title = {Integrating airborne laser scanner data and ancillary information for delineating the boreal-alpine transition zone in Hedmark County, Norway}, Author = {Ørka, Hans Ole and Wulder, Mike and Gobakken, Terje and Næsset, Erik}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of SilviLaser 2010, The 10th annual conference on lidar applications for assessing forest ecosystems. Freiburg, Germany.}, Year = {2010}, Abstract = {The boreal-alpine transition zone represents the gradient, or ecotone, from boreal forest to open alpine tundra. At present, resource inventories and/or systematic monitoring of mountainous areas are not commonly undertaken in many regions and countries. Current plot-wise national forest inventories typically focus on monitoring of the productive forests which are more valuable from an economic perspective. There is an increasing demand for information concerning high altitude forests and full capture of treed areas to support national and international biomass and carbon reporting. Further, impacts of climate change are expected to be most pronounced over this transition zone, leading to a need for methods for monitoring the status and dynamics of vegetation over the ecotone. We propose a method for integrating airborne laser scanner (ALS) data collected as a strip sample and ancillary information to delineate the boreal-alpine transition zone. In this study, the boreal-alpine transition zone is defined according to international definitions based on tree heights and crown coverage to provide the basis for reporting according to established international standards. The 3-dimensional measurements of forest structure obtained from an airborne laser scanner provided the basis for detecting the boreal-alpine transition zone. We establish, validate, and discuss an heuristic method to delineate the boreal-alpine transition zone using ALS data. The method was implemented using 53 ALS sample strips in Hedmark County, Norway, and validated with field measurements of the transition zone represented by forest and tree lines at 26 locations. The ALS delineation of the boreal-alpine transition was accurate when compared to field measurements. Furthermore, a non-parametric method was used to upscale the ALS estimates to the entire area of Hedmark County (27 400 km2) using Landsat images and information derived from a digital terrain model as ancillary data. The size of the estimated boreal-alpine transition zone in Hedmark was 3750 km2.}, Keywords = {airborne laser scanning satellite images boreal-alpine transiton zone}, Owner = {hanso}, Timestamp = {2011.11.17} }
- Gobakken, T., Næsset, E., Bollandsås, O. M., Ørka, H. O., Nelson, R., Gregorie, T. G., & Ståhl, G.. (2009). Estimating biomass in hedmark county, norway using national forest inventory ground plots and airborne scanning lidar. .
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{Gobakken2009, Title = {Estimating biomass in Hedmark County, Norway using National Forest Inventory ground plots and airborne scanning LiDAR}, Author = {Gobakken, T. and Næsset, E. and Bollandsås, O.M. and Ørka, H.O. and Nelson, R. and Gregorie, T.G. and Ståhl, G.}, Year = {2009}, Owner = {hanso}, Timestamp = {2011.11.17} }
- Herold, M., Brown, S., Falkowski, M., Goetz, S., Hirata, Y., Kellendorfer, J., Lambin, R., Næsset, E., Nelson, R., & Wulder, M.. (2009). Status of evolving technologies. Paper presented at the Gofc-gold project office, university of jena, germany.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{Herold2009, Title = {Status of evolving technologies}, Author = {Herold, M. and Brown, S. and Falkowski, M. and Goetz, S. and Hirata, Y. and Kellendorfer, J. and Lambin, R. and Næsset, E. and Nelson, R. and Wulder, M.}, Booktitle = {GOFC-GOLD Project Office, University of Jena, Germany}, Year = {2009}, Pages = {113-129}, Series = {A sourcebook of methods and procedures for monitoring and reporting anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and removals caused by deforestation, gains and losses of carbon stocks in forests remaining forests, and forestation}, Owner = {hanso}, Timestamp = {2011.10.21} }
- Herold, M., Brown, S., Falkowski, M., Goetz S.and Hirata, Y., Kellendorfer J.and Lambin, R., Næsset E.and Nelson, R., & Wulder, M.. (2009). Status of evolving technologies. in: a sourcebook of methods and procedures for monitoring and reporting anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and removals caused by deforestation, gains and losses of carbon stocks in forests remaining forests, and forestation GOFC-GOLD Project Office, University of Jena, Germany, pp. 113-129..
[Bibtex]@TechReport{Herold2009a, Title = {Status of evolving technologies. In: A sourcebook of methods and procedures for monitoring and reporting anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and removals caused by deforestation, gains and losses of carbon stocks in forests remaining forests, and forestation}, Author = {Herold, M. and Brown, S. and Falkowski, M. and Goetz, S.and Hirata, Y. and Kellendorfer, J.and Lambin, R. and Næsset, E.and Nelson, R. and Wulder, M.}, Institution = {GOFC-GOLD Project Office, University of Jena, Germany, pp. 113-129.}, Year = {2009}, Owner = {hanso}, Timestamp = {2011.10.27} }
- Korpela, I., Tokola, T., Ørka, H. O., & Koskinen, M.. (2009). Small-footprint discrete-return lidar in tree species recognition. .
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{Korpela2009, Title = {Small-footprint discrete-return LiDAR in tree species recognition}, Author = {Korpela, I. and Tokola, T. and Ørka, H.O. and Koskinen, M.}, Year = {2009}, Month = {June 2 - 5, 2009}, Abstract = {In forest inventories, the species information is crucial for economical, ecological and technical reasons. Species recognition is currently a bottleneck in practical remote sensing applications. Here, we examined species discrimination using tree-level LiDAR features in discrete-return data. The aim was to examine the robustness and explanatory power of the intensity and height distribution features. A dataset consisting of 13890 trees from 117 stands in southern Finland (61°50'N, 24°20'E) was used. The data of two LiDAR sensors was fused using intensity normalization in natural targets. Age dependency of first-return intensity was observed in spruce and birch trees, which needs to be considered in using LiDAR intensity metrics. Classification of Scots pine, Norway spruce and birch was tested and accuracy was 81?85%. Separation of pine and spruce was more accurate, 91?93%. We also present results for 15 rare conifer and broadleaved species. To enhance the classification accuracy of birch, we propose co-use of image features.}, Owner = {hanso}, Timestamp = {2011.11.17} }
- Maltamo, M., Bollandsås, O. M., Næsset E.and Gobakken, T., & Packalen, P.. (2009). Different sampling strategies for field training plots in als inventory. Paper presented at the Proceedings of silvilaser 2009, 14-16 october, college station, texas, usa.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{Maltamo2009, Title = {Different sampling strategies for field training plots in ALS inventory}, Author = {Maltamo, M. and Bollandsås, O.M. and Næsset, E.and Gobakken, T. and Packalen, P.}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of Silvilaser 2009, 14-16 October, College Station, Texas, USA}, Year = {2009}, Pages = {193-201}, Owner = {hanso}, Timestamp = {2011.10.21} }
- Næsset, E., Gobakken, T., & Nelson, R.. (2009). Sampling and mapping forest volume and biomass using airborne lidars. .
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{Naesset2009a, Title = {Sampling and mapping forest volume and biomass using airborne LIDARs}, Author = {Næsset, E. and Gobakken, T. and Nelson, R.}, Year = {2009}, Pages = {297-301}, Journal = {Proceedings of the Eight Annual Forest Inventory and Analysis Symposium, Monterey, CA, USA}, Owner = {hanso}, Timestamp = {2011.11.17} }
- Salas, C., Ene, L., Gregoire, T. G., Gobakken, T., & Næsset, E.. (2009). Modelling tree diameter from airborne laser scanning derived variables: a comparison of spatial statistical models. Paper presented at the Iufro division 4, 2009, quebec, may 19 -22, 2009.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{Salas2009, Title = {Modelling tree diameter from airborne laser scanning derived variables: a comparison of spatial statistical models}, Author = {Salas, Christian and Ene, Liviu and Gregoire, Timothy G. and Gobakken, Terje and Næsset, Erik}, Booktitle = {IUFRO Division 4, 2009, Quebec, May 19 -22, 2009}, Year = {2009}, Month = {18 - 23 October 2009}, Owner = {hanso}, Timestamp = {2011.11.17} }
- Wulder, M. A., Næsset, E., Falkowski, M., Nelson, R., & Hirata, Y. 2009.. (2009). Possible role of lidar observations to meet redd information needs. section 2.7.2. as an invited and updated submission included in: gofc-gold, 2009, reducing greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation and 46 degradation in developing countries: a sourcebook of methods and procedures 47 for monitoring, measuring and reporting, gofc-gold, report version cop14-2, 48 GOFC-GOLD Project Office, Natural Resources Canada, Alberta, Canada.
[Bibtex]@TechReport{Wulder2009, Title = {Possible role of LIDAR observations to meet REDD information needs. Section 2.7.2. as an invited and updated submission included in: GOFC-GOLD, 2009, Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation and 46 degradation in developing countries: a sourcebook of methods and procedures 47 for monitoring, measuring and reporting, GOFC-GOLD, Report version COP14-2, 48}, Author = {Wulder, M.A. and Næsset, E. and Falkowski, M. and Nelson, R. and Hirata, Y. 2009.}, Institution = {GOFC-GOLD Project Office, Natural Resources Canada, Alberta, Canada}, Year = {2009}, Owner = {hanso}, Timestamp = {2011.10.27}, Url = {} }
- Ørka, H. O., Næsset, E., & Bollandsås, O. M.. (2009). Comparing classification strategies for als tree species recognition. .
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{Oerka2009a, Title = {Comparing classification strategies for ALS tree species recognition}, Author = {Ørka, H.O. and Næsset, E and Bollandsås, O.M.}, Year = {2009}, Month = {14 - 16 October}, Pages = {46 - 53}, Owner = {hanso}, Timestamp = {2011.11.17} }
- Bollandsås, O. M., & Gobakken, T.. (2008). Modellering av uenaldret skog.. In Åsrsmelding 2007. (, pp. 8-11). Ås, Norway: Institutt for naturforvaltning, universitetet for miljø- og biovitenskap..
[Bibtex]@InCollection{Bollandsaas2008b, Title = {Modellering av uenaldret skog.}, Author = {Bollandsås, Ole Martin and Gobakken, Terje}, Booktitle = {Åsrsmelding 2007.}, Publisher = {Institutt for naturforvaltning, Universitetet for miljø- og biovitenskap.}, Year = {2008}, Address = {Ås, Norway}, Pages = {8-11}, Owner = {hanso}, Timestamp = {2014.10.15} }
- Gobakken, T., & Næsset, E.. (2008). Assessing effects of sample plot positioning errors on biophysical stand properties derived from airborne laser scanner data. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the international conference silvilaser 2008: heriot-watt university, edinburgh, uk, 8th international conference on lidar applications in forest assessment and inventory, september 17 – 19, 2008..
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{Gobakken2008, Title = {Assessing effects of sample plot positioning errors on biophysical stand properties derived from airborne laser scanner data}, Author = {Gobakken, T. and Næsset, E.}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference SilviLaser 2008: Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK, 8th international conference on LiDAR applications in forest assessment and inventory, September 17 – 19, 2008.}, Year = {2008}, Pages = {8}, Owner = {hanso}, Timestamp = {2011.10.21} }
- Bollandsås, O. M.. ((2007). Uneven-aged forestry in norway: inventory and management models.). PhD Thesis.
[Bibtex]@PhdThesis{Bollandsaas2007c, Title = {Uneven-aged forestry in Norway: Inventory and management models}, Author = {Ole Martin Bollandsås}, School = {Norwegian University of Life Sciences}, Year = {2007}, Month = {PhD thesis 2007:30}, Owner = {hanso}, Timestamp = {2012.11.30}, Url = {} }
- Ene, L., Næsset, E., & Gobakken, T.. (2007). Simulating sampling efficiency in airborne laser scanning based forest inventory. .
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{Ene2007, Title = {Simulating sampling efficiency in airborne laser scanning based forest inventory}, Author = {Ene, Liviu and Næsset, Erik and Gobakken, Terje}, Year = {2007}, Month = {12-14 September 2007}, Pages = {5}, Publisher = {Finnish Geodetic Institute and TKK}, Volume = {XXXVI Part 3/W52}, ISBN = {1682-1777}, Owner = {hanso}, Timestamp = {2011.11.17} }
- Gobakken, T., & Næsset, E.. (2007). Assessing effects of laser point density on biophysical stand properties derived from airborne laser scanner in mature forest. .
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{Gobakken2007, Title = {Assessing effects of laser point density on biophysical stand properties derived from airborne laser scanner in mature forest}, Author = {Gobakken, Terje and Næsset, Erik}, Year = {2007}, Month = {12-14 September 2007}, Pages = {150-155}, Publisher = {Finnish Geodetic Institute and TKK}, Volume = {XXXVI Part 3/W52}, ISBN = {1682-1777}, Owner = {hanso}, Timestamp = {2011.11.17} }
- Solberg, S., Eklundh, L., Gjertsen, A. K., Johansson, T., Joyce, S., Lange, H., Næsset, E., Olsson, H., Pang, Y., & Solberg, A.. (2007). Testing remote sensing techniques for monitoring large scale insect defoliation. Paper presented at the Forestsat 2007 conference, montpellier, france, 5-7 november 2007, 5p.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{Solberg2007b, Title = {Testing remote sensing techniques for monitoring large scale insect defoliation}, Author = {Solberg, S. and Eklundh, L. and Gjertsen, A.K. and Johansson, T. and Joyce, S. and Lange, H. and Næsset, E. and Olsson, H. and Pang, Y. and Solberg, A.}, Booktitle = {FORESTSAT 2007 Conference, Montpellier, France, 5-7 November 2007, 5p}, Year = {2007}, Owner = {hanso}, Timestamp = {2011.11.17} }
- Solberg, S., & Næsset, E.. (2007). Mapping defoliation with lidar. .
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{Solberg2007, Title = {Mapping defoliation with LIDAR}, Author = {Solberg, Svein and Næsset, Erik}, Year = {2007}, Month = {September 12-14}, Pages = {379-382}, Publisher = {IAPRS}, Volume = {XXXVI Part 3 / W52}, Owner = {hanso}, Timestamp = {2011.11.17} }
- Solberg, S., & Næsset, E.. (2007). Monitoring forest health by remote sensing. Paper presented at the Symposium: forests in a changing environment – results of 20 years icp forests monitoring, gã¶ttingen, 25.-28.10.2006.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{Solberg2007a, Title = {Monitoring forest health by remote sensing}, Author = {Solberg, S. and Næsset, E.}, Booktitle = {Symposium: Forests in a Changing Environment - Results of 20 years ICP Forests Monitoring, Göttingen, 25.-28.10.2006}, Year = {2007}, Pages = {99-104}, Series = {Schriftenreihe der Forstlichen Fakultät Göttingen und der Nordwestdeutschen Forstlichen Versuchsanstalt}, Volume = {142}, Comment = {ISBN 3-7939-5142-1}, Owner = {hanso}, Timestamp = {2011.10.21} }
- Solberg, S., Weydahl, D. J., & Næsset, E.. (2007). Sar forest canopy penetration depth as an indicator for forest health monitoring based on leaf area index (lai). Paper presented at the 5th international symposium on retrieval of bio- and geophysical parameters from sar data for land applications, bari, italy, 25-28 september 2007.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{Solberg2007c, Title = {SAR forest canopy penetration depth as an indicator for forest health monitoring based on leaf area index (LAI)}, Author = {Solberg, S. and Weydahl, D.J. and Næsset, E.}, Booktitle = {5th International Symposium on Retrieval of Bio- and Geophysical Parameters from SAR Data for Land Applications, Bari, Italy, 25-28 September 2007}, Year = {2007}, Pages = {5}, Owner = {hanso}, Timestamp = {2011.10.21} }
- Ørka, H. O., Næsset, E., & Bollandsås, O. M.. (2007). Utilizing airborne laser intensity for tree species classification. .
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{Oerka2007, Title = {Utilizing airborne laser intensity for tree species classification}, Author = {Ørka, H.O. and Næsset, E. and Bollandsås, O.M.}, Year = {2007}, Note = {Submitted}, Pages = {300-304}, Publisher = {Finnish Geodetic Institute and TKK}, Volume = {XXXVI, Part 3/W52}, Abstract = {High-resolution datasets from Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) provide information to extract the outline of single tree crowns. Laser echoes with spatial coordinates inside these single-tree crowns give the ability of measuring biophysical properties and to classify species of these single-trees. Species classification by ALS-data is based on differences in crown shape, crown density, reflectivity and distribution of foliage and branches between tree species. All of these parameters may be expressed by spatial coordinates of the point cloud or by the intensity of the backscattered signal measured by ALS. In this study we investigate mean intensity and standard deviation of intensity computed for single trees by explorative data analysis and linear discriminant analysis. We explore differences in spruce, birch, and aspen trees for different echo categories from a multiple return ALS system. We found that intensity could assist species discrimination. The overall classification accuracies obtained were from 68 to 74 %, depending on number of variables considered. In spite of the heterogeneous structure of the forest studied, the classification accuracy was fairly high. Intensity metrics computed from different echo categories influence overall accuracies by 3 to 4 %, depending on the intensity metric used in the classification. Both species reflectivity and structural characteristics within the tree crown will influence intensity recorded by ALS.}, Keywords = {Laser scanning, High resolution, Forest, Inventory, Analysis, Classification}, Owner = {hanso}, Timestamp = {2011.11.17} }
- Bloch, V. V. H., Flugsrud, K., Gobakken, T., Hylen, G., Rypdal, K., & Tomter, S. M.. (2006). Estimates of emissions and removals resulting from activities under article 3.3 and 3.4 of the kyoto protocol. (Vol. 02/06). Ås, Norway: .
[Bibtex]@Book{Bloch2006, Title = {Estimates of emissions and removals resulting from activities under article 3.3 and 3.4 of the Kyoto Protocol.}, Author = {Bloch, V.V.H. and Flugsrud, K. and Gobakken, Terje and Hylen, Gro and Rypdal, K. and Tomter, Stein M.}, Year = {2006}, Address = {Ås, Norway}, Series = {Oppdragsrapport fra Skog og landskap [Commissioned Report]}, Volume = {02/06} }
- Gobakken, T., Næsset, E., & Nelson, R.. (2006). Developing regional forest inventory procedures based on scanning lidar.. .
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{Gobakken2006, Title = {Developing regional forest inventory procedures based on scanning LiDAR.}, Author = {Gobakken, Terje and Næsset, Erik and Nelson, Ross}, Year = {2006}, Month = {November 7 – 10, 2006}, Pages = {99-104}, Publisher = {Japan Society of Forest Planning, Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute and Ehime University}, Owner = {hanso}, Timestamp = {2011.11.17} }
- Lexerød, N., & Gobakken, T.. (2006). Lønnsomhet ved selektive hogster – norske erfaringer og forskningsresultater. .
[Bibtex]@Misc{Lexeroed2006, Title = {Lønnsomhet ved selektive hogster - norske erfaringer og forskningsresultater}, Author = {Lexerød, Nils and Gobakken, Terje}, Year = {2006}, Journal = {Glimt fra skogforskningen}, Keywords = {Post.doc}, Owner = {hanso}, Timestamp = {2014.10.15}, Volume = {1} }
- Næsset, E., Gobakken, T., Kangas, A., Maltamo, M., Bollandsås, O. M., Aasland, T., & Solberg, S.. (2006). Extending and improving methods for operational stand-wise forest inventories utilizing multi-resolution airborne laser scanner data.. .
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{Naesset2006, Title = {Extending and improving methods for operational stand-wise forest inventories utilizing multi-resolution airborne laser scanner data.}, Author = {Næsset, E. and Gobakken, T. and Kangas, A. and Maltamo, M. and Bollandsås, O.M. and Aasland, T. and Solberg, S.}, Year = {2006}, Month = {7-10 November 2006}, Owner = {hanso}, Timestamp = {2011.11.17} }
- Næsset, E., & Nelson, R.. (2006). Using scanning lidar for detection of small trees in the boreal-alpine transition zone as indicator of global change. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the silvilaser 2006 conference.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{Naesset2006a, Title = {Using scanning LiDAR for detection of small trees in the boreal-alpine transition zone as indicator of global change}, Author = {Næsset, E. and Nelson, R.}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the Silvilaser 2006 Conference}, Year = {2006}, Editor = {Hirata, Y. and Awaya, Y. and Takahashi, T. and Sweda, T. and Tsuzuki, H.}, Pages = {2-7}, Owner = {hanso}, Timestamp = {2011.10.27} }
- Nelson, R., Næsset, E., Gobakken, T., Ståhl, G., & Gregoire, T. G.. (2006). Regional forest inventory using an airborne profiling lidar. .
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{Nelson2006, Title = {Regional forest Inventory using an airborne profiling LiDAR}, Author = {Nelson, R. and Næsset, E. and Gobakken, T. and Ståhl, G. and Gregoire, T. G.}, Year = {2006}, Month = {7-10. November 2006}, Keywords = {profiling LiDAR, laser sampling, systematic sample}, Owner = {hanso}, Timestamp = {2011.11.17} }
- Solberg, S., Næsset, E., Holt Hanssen, K., & Christiansen, E.. (2006). Using airborne laser for mapping of forest damage. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the silvilaser 2006 conference.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{Solberg2006b, Title = {Using airborne laser for mapping of forest damage}, Author = {Solberg, S. and Næsset, E. and Holt Hanssen, K. and Christiansen, E.}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the Silvilaser 2006 Conference}, Year = {2006}, Editor = {Hirata, Y. and Awaya, Y. andTakahashi, T. and Sweda, T. and Tsuzuki, H.}, Pages = {21-23}, Owner = {hanso}, Timestamp = {2011.10.27} }
- Ask, J. A., Bergseng, E., Framstad, E., Gobakken, T., & Hoen, H. F.. (2005). Effekter på økonomi og skogkultur ved skogbehandling tilpasset bevaring av biologisk mangfold i skog.. In Vatn, A., Framstad, E., & Solberg, B. (Eds.), In Virkemidler for forvaltning av biologisk mangfold. delrapport 3: tiltak og virkemidler for vern av biodiversitet i skog og våtmarker. (, Vol. 563pp. 223). Temanord.
[Bibtex]@InCollection{Ask2005, Title = {Effekter på økonomi og skogkultur ved skogbehandling tilpasset bevaring av biologisk mangfold i skog.}, Author = {Ask, J. A. and Bergseng, E. and Framstad, E. and Gobakken, T. and Hoen, H. F.}, Booktitle = {Virkemidler for forvaltning av biologisk mangfold. Delrapport 3: Tiltak og virkemidler for vern av biodiversitet i skog og våtmarker.}, Publisher = {TemaNord}, Year = {2005}, Editor = {Vatn, Arild and Framstad, Erik and Solberg, Birger}, Pages = {223}, Volume = {563}, Owner = {hanso}, Timestamp = {2014.10.15} }
- Bollandsås, O. M., & Næsset, E.. (2005). Percentile-based diameter distributions in uneven-aged spruce stands. Paper presented at the Proceedings of sns meeting, forest inventory and planning in nordic countries, sjursjøen, norway, 6-8 september, 2004..
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{Bollandsaas2005, Title = {Percentile-based Diameter Distributions in Uneven-aged Spruce Stands}, Author = {Bollandsås, O.M. and Næsset, E.}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of SNS meeting, Forest Inventory and Planning in Nordic Countries, Sjursjøen, Norway, 6-8 September, 2004.}, Year = {2005}, Number = {9}, Pages = {113-114}, Publisher = {Norwegian Institute of Land Inventory, Ås}, Series = {NIJOS-Rapport}, Volume = {2005}, Owner = {hanso}, Timestamp = {2011.11.17} }
- Eid, T., Gobakken, T., & Næsset, E.. (2005). Bestemmelse av diameterfordeling i bestand – sammenligninger av ulike takstopplegg (No. 6). Institutt for naturforvaltning, Universitetet for miljø- og biovitenskap.
[Bibtex]@TechReport{Eid2005, Title = {Bestemmelse av diameterfordeling i bestand - sammenligninger av ulike takstopplegg}, Author = {Eid, Tron and Gobakken, Terje and Næsset, Erik}, Institution = {Institutt for naturforvaltning, Universitetet for miljø- og biovitenskap}, Year = {2005}, Number = {6}, Owner = {hanso}, Timestamp = {2011.11.17} }
- Eid, T., Gobakken, T., & Næsset, E.. (2005). Ny informasjon i skogbruksplanene kan gi økt verdiskapning. .
[Bibtex]@Misc{Eid2005a, author = {Eid, Tron and Gobakken, Terje and Næsset, Erik}, title = {Ny informasjon i skogbruksplanene kan gi økt verdiskapning}, year = {2005}, journal = {Norsk Skogbruk}, owner = {hanso}, pages = {26-27}, timestamp = {2014.10.15}, volume = {10}, }
- Gobakken, T., Lexerød, N., & Eid, T.. (2005). A growth simulator based on models for individual trees.. Paper presented at the Forest inventory and planning in nordic countries, sns meeting., Sjursjøen, Norway.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{Gobakken2005a, Title = {A growth simulator based on models for individual trees.}, Author = {Gobakken, Terje and Lexerød, Nils and Eid, Tron}, Booktitle = {Forest inventory and planning in Nordic Countries, SNS Meeting.}, Year = {2005}, Address = {Sjursjøen, Norway}, Editor = {Hobbelstad, Kåre}, Pages = {243-248}, Publisher = {Norwegian Institute of Land Inventory}, Volume = {9}, Owner = {hanso}, Timestamp = {2014.10.15} }
- Gobakken, T., & Svendsrud, A.. (2005). Dataprogram for verdiberegning av skogbestand. .
[Bibtex]@Misc{Gobakken2005b, Title = {Dataprogram for Verdiberegning av skogbestand}, Author = {Gobakken, Terje and Svendsrud, Asbjørn}, HowPublished = {Norsk Skogbruk}, Year = {2005}, Journal = {Norsk Skogbruk}, Number = {2}, Owner = {hanso}, Pages = {26-27}, Timestamp = {2014.10.15} }
- Næsset, E.. (2005). Towards a laser-scanner based biomass monitoring system. Sjusjøen, Norway: .
[Bibtex]@TechReport{Naesset2005, Title = {Towards a laser-scanner based biomass monitoring system.}, Author = {Næsset, Erik}, Year = {2005}, Address = {Sjusjøen, Norway}, Booktitle = {Forest Inventory and Planning in the Nordic Countries. Proceedings of the SNS Meeting}, Editor = {Hobbelstad, Kåre}, Owner = {hanso}, Pages = {117-119}, Publisher = {Report 09/05 of the Norwegian Institute of Land Inventory}, Timestamp = {2011.11.17}, Volume = {9} }
- Næsset, E.. (2005). Laser-scanning of forest resources in norway: from research to commercial applications. Paper presented at the Silviscan 2005. lidar applications in forest assessment and inventory, virginia tech, blacksburg, virginia, usa.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{Naesset2005c, Title = {Laser-scanning of forest resources in Norway: from research to commercial applications}, Author = {Næsset, E.}, Booktitle = {Silviscan 2005. Lidar applications in forest assessment and inventory, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA}, Year = {2005}, Pages = {4}, Owner = {hanso}, Timestamp = {2011.10.27} }
- Rypdal, K., Bloch, V. V. H., Flugsrud, K., Gobakken, T., Hoem, B., Tomter, S. M., & Aalde, H.. (2005). Emissions and removals of greenhouse gases from land use, land-use change and forestry in norway (No. 11/05). .
[Bibtex]@TechReport{Rypdal2005, Title = {Emissions and removals of greenhouse gases from land use, land-use change and forestry in Norway}, Author = {Rypdal, Kristin and Bloch, V.V.H. and Flugsrud, Kjetil and Gobakken, T. and Hoem, B. and Tomter, Stein M. and Aalde, Harald}, Year = {2005}, Number = {11/05}, Abstract = {Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change under the UN finalised in 2004 the report “Good Practice Guidance for Estimating and Reporting of Emissions and Removals from Land Use, Landuse Change and Forestry”. The present report describes the data material and the methods used to provide such estimates for Norway for the period from 1990. Land-use changes cause changes in carbon storage, thus indirectly emissions and removals of CO2. Removals of CO2 in Norway due to land-use change are relatively insignificant compared to sequestration in existing forest. For 2003, the net sequestration of CO2 from this sector has been estimated at 21 million tonnes. That would correspond to about 38% of the total anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. The net sequestration increased by approximately 60 per cent from 1990 to 2003.}, Keywords = {Arealbruk arealinngrep klimagasser avskoging skogreisning biomasse Land use land-use change greenhouse gases deforestation afforestation biomass} }
- Solberg, S., Lange, H., Aurdal, L., Solberg, R., & Næsset, E.. (2005). Monitoring forest health by remote sensing of canopy chlorophyll: first results from a pilot project in norway. Paper presented at the Proceedings, 31st international symposium on remote sensing of environment. global monitoring for sustainability and security. saint petersburg, russian federation, 20-24 june, 2005. cd-rom..
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{Solberg2005a, Title = {Monitoring forest health by remote sensing of canopy chlorophyll: first results from a pilot project in Norway}, Author = {Solberg, S. and Lange, H. and Aurdal, L. and Solberg, R. and Næsset, E.}, Booktitle = {Proceedings, 31st International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment. Global monitoring for sustainability and security. Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation, 20-24 June, 2005. CD-ROM.}, Year = {2005}, Organization = {Citeseer}, Pages = {20--24}, Owner = {hanso}, Timestamp = {2011.11.17} }
- Solberg, S., Næsset, E., Aurdal, L., Lange, H., Bollandsås, O. M., & Solberg, R.. (2005). Remote sensing of foliar mass and chlorophyll as indicators of forest health: preliminary results from a project in norway. .
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{Solberg2005, Title = {Remote sensing of foliar mass and chlorophyll as indicators of forest health: preliminary results from a project in Norway}, Author = {Solberg, S. and Næsset, E. and Aurdal, L. and Lange, H. and Bollandsås, O.M. and Solberg, R.}, Year = {2005}, Number = {8A}, Pages = {105--109}, Publisher = {Swedish National Board of Forestry}, Series = {Rapport}, Journal = {Proceedings of ForestSat 2005, Borås, Sweden, 31 May - 3 June, 2005}, Owner = {hanso}, Timestamp = {2011.11.17} }
- Gobakken, T., & Næsset, E.. (2004). Effects of forest growth on laser derived canopy metrics. .
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{Gobakken2004a, Title = {Effects of forest growth on laser derived canopy metrics}, Author = {Gobakken, Terje and Næsset, Erik}, Year = {2004}, Month = {October, 3-6 2004}, Pages = {224-227}, Publisher = {International society of photogrammetry and remote sensing. International archies of photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information sciences.}, Volume = {XXXVI, PART 8/W2}, Owner = {hanso}, Timestamp = {2011.11.17} }
- Hobbelstad, K., & Gobakken, T.. (2004). Kartlegging av langtidstrender for «sjeldne» treslag i landsskogtakseringens materiale. Norsk institutt for jord- og skogkartlegging.
[Bibtex]@Book{Hobbelstad2004, Title = {Kartlegging av langtidstrender for "sjeldne" treslag i Landsskogtakseringens materiale.}, Author = {Hobbelstad, Kåre and Gobakken, Terje}, Publisher = {Norsk institutt for jord- og skogkartlegging}, Year = {2004}, Series = {NIJOS dokument 44/04} }
- Hobbelstad, K., Gobakken, T., & Swärd, J.. (2004). Evaluering av levende skog. tilstand og utvikling i norsk skog vurdert i forhold til enkelte standarder. Norsk institutt for jord- og skogkartlegging.
[Bibtex]@Book{Hobbelstad2004a, Title = {Evaluering av levende skog. Tilstand og utvikling i norsk skog vurdert i forhold til enkelte standarder.}, Author = {Hobbelstad, Kåre and Gobakken, Terje and Swärd, Johan}, Publisher = {Norsk institutt for jord- og skogkartlegging}, Year = {2004}, Series = {NIJOS rapport 19/4} }
- Næsset, E.. (2004). Estimation of above- and below-ground biomass in boreal forest ecosystems. .
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{Naesset2004, Title = {Estimation of Above- and Below-Ground Biomass in Boreal Forest Ecosystems}, Author = {Næsset, Erik}, Year = {2004}, Month = {October, 3-6 2004}, Pages = {145-148}, Publisher = {International society of photogrammetry and remote sensing. International archies of photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information sciences.}, Volume = {XXXVI, PART 8/W2}, Abstract = {Regression models for above-ground and below-ground biomass were estimated for 143 sample plots in young and mature coniferous forest. Various canopy height and canopy density metrics derived from the canopy height distributions of first as well as last pulse laser scanner data with a sampling density of approximately 1.1 m-2 were used as independent variables in the regressions. Each of the selected models comprised at least one variable related to canopy height and one related to canopy density. The models for above-ground biomass explained 92% of the variability whereas the models for below-ground biomass explained 86%. The analysis indicated that forest type did not have any significant impact on the estimated models.}, Owner = {hanso}, Timestamp = {2011.11.17} }
- Solberg, S., Næsset, E., Lange, H., & Bollandsås, O. M.. (2004). Remote sensing of forest health. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the isprs working group viii/2. laser-scanners for forest and landscape assessment, freiburg, germany, 3-6 october, 2004. int. archives of photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information sciences, vol xxxvi, part 8/w2, pp. 161-166.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{Solberg2004, Title = {Remote sensing of forest health}, Author = {Solberg, S. and Næsset, E. and Lange, H. and Bollandsås, O.M.}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the ISPRS working group VIII/2. Laser-scanners for forest and landscape assessment, Freiburg, Germany, 3-6 October, 2004. Int. Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, vol XXXVI, Part 8/W2, pp. 161-166}, Year = {2004}, Editor = {Thies, M. and Koch, B. and Spiecker, H. and Weinacker, H.}, Owner = {hanso}, Timestamp = {2011.11.17} }
- Gobakken, T.. (2003). Langsiktige utviklingsprognoser for skog – og hensynet til tiurleik. In Årsmelding 2002 (pp. 17-19). Norsk institutt for skogforskning.
[Bibtex]@InCollection{Gobakken2003a, Title = {Langsiktige utviklingsprognoser for skog - og hensynet til tiurleik}, Author = {Gobakken, Terje}, Booktitle = {Årsmelding 2002}, Publisher = {Norsk institutt for skogforskning}, Year = {2003}, Pages = {17-19}, Owner = {hanso}, Timestamp = {2014.10.15} }
- Gobakken, T., & Næsset, E.. (2003). Determination of tree size distribution models in mature forest from laser scanner data. .
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{Gobakken2003, Title = {Determination of tree size distribution models in mature forest from laser scanner data}, Author = {Gobakken, Terje and Næsset, Erik}, Year = {2003}, Month = {Sept. 2-4, 2003}, Pages = {71-77}, Publisher = {Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Forest Resource Management and Geomatics.}, Volume = {112}, Keywords = {Laser diameter distribution basal area Percentile based distribution}, Owner = {hanso}, Timestamp = {2011.11.17} }
- Næsset, E.. (2003). Laser scanning of forest resources–the norwegian experience. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the scandlaser scientific workshop on airborne laser scanning of forests, 3-4 september 2003, umeå..
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{Naesset2003, Title = {Laser scanning of forest resources--the Norwegian experience}, Author = {Næsset, E.}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the ScandLaser Scientific Workshop on Airborne Laser Scanning of Forests, 3-4 September 2003, Umeå.}, Year = {2003}, Number = {112}, Pages = {34--41}, Publisher = {Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences}, Series = {Working Paper}, Owner = {hanso}, Timestamp = {2011.11.17} }
- Næsset, E.. (2003). Comparison of ols and pls regression in estimation of tree height and timber volume of forest stands from laser scanner data. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the international biometric society, nordic regional meeting, slu, uppsala, 12-14 june, p 21..
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{Naesset2003a, Title = {Comparison of OLS and PLS regression in estimation of tree height and timber volume of forest stands from laser scanner data}, Author = {Næsset, E.}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Biometric Society, Nordic Regional Meeting, SLU, Uppsala, 12-14 June, p 21.}, Year = {2003}, Owner = {hanso}, Timestamp = {2011.10.27} }
- Eid, T., Gobakken, T., & Næsset, E.. (2002). Comparing stand inventories based on photo interpretation and laser-scanning by means of cost-plus-loss analyses. Paper presented at the Modfor 2002, models in forest analysis and planning systems, umeå, 13-16 august 2002.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{Eid2002, Title = {Comparing stand inventories based on photo interpretation and laser-scanning by means of cost-plus-loss analyses}, Author = {Eid, T. and Gobakken, T. and Næsset, E.}, Booktitle = {MODFOR 2002, Models in Forest Analysis and Planning Systems, Umeå, 13-16 August 2002}, Year = {2002}, Owner = {hanso}, Timestamp = {2011.10.27}, Url = {} }
- Gobakken, T.. (2002). Strategic planning – production possibilities of broadleaves. Paper presented at the Nordic trends in forest inventory, management planning and modelling. proceedings of sns meeting., Solvalla, Finland.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{Gobakken2002b, Title = {Strategic planning - Production possibilities of broadleaves}, Author = {Gobakken, Terje}, Booktitle = {Nordic trends in forest inventory, management planning and modelling. Proceedings of SNS Meeting.}, Year = {2002}, Address = {Solvalla, Finland}, Editor = {Heikkinen, J. and Korhonen, K. T. and Siitonen, M. and Strandström, M and Tomppo, E.}, Pages = {163-166}, Publisher = {Finnish Forest Research Institute}, Series = {Research Papers}, Volume = {860}, Owner = {hanso}, Timestamp = {2014.10.15} }
- Gobakken, T.. (2002). Langsiktige utviklingsprognoser for skog. eksempel: effekter av hensyn til tiurleik.. In Woxholt, S. (Ed.), In Kontaktkonferansen mellom skogbruket og skogforskningen i buskerud og vestfold. (, Vol. 3pp. 15-16). .
[Bibtex]@InCollection{Gobakken2002c, Title = {Langsiktige utviklingsprognoser for Skog. Eksempel: Effekter av hensyn til tiurleik.}, Author = {Gobakken, Terje}, Booktitle = {Kontaktkonferansen mellom skogbruket og skogforskningen i Buskerud og Vestfold.}, Year = {2002}, Editor = {Woxholt, Severin}, Pages = {15-16}, Series = {Aktuelt fra skogforskningen}, Volume = {3}, Owner = {hanso}, Timestamp = {2014.10.15} }
- Gobakken, T.. (2002). Bruk av enkelttrefunksjoner i en modell for langsiktige analyser i skog. In Øyen, B. (Ed.), In Modellering av skogproduksjon for økologisk og økonomisk forvaltning (, Vol. 6pp. 20-22). .
[Bibtex]@InCollection{Gobakken2002d, Title = {Bruk av enkelttrefunksjoner i en modell for langsiktige analyser i skog}, Author = {Gobakken, Terje}, Booktitle = {Modellering av skogproduksjon for økologisk og økonomisk forvaltning}, Year = {2002}, Editor = {Øyen, Bernt-Håvard}, Pages = {20-22}, Series = {Aktuelt fra skogforskningen}, Volume = {6}, Owner = {hanso}, Timestamp = {2014.10.15} }
- Gobakken, T., & Svendsrud, A.. (2002). Verdiberegning av skogbestand via internett. .
[Bibtex]@Misc{Gobakken2002a, Title = {Verdiberegning av skogbestand via Internett}, Author = {Gobakken, Terje and Svendsrud, Asbjørn}, HowPublished = {Norsk Skogbruk}, Year = {2002}, Journal = {Norsk Skogbruk}, Number = {1}, Owner = {hanso}, Pages = {32-33}, Timestamp = {2014.10.15} }
- Lexerød, N., & Gobakken, T.. (2002). Normerte prisfunksjoner for grantrær med og uten rotråte. In Øyen, B. (Ed.), Modellering av skogproduksjon for økologisk og økonomisk forvaltning ((In Norwegian) ed., Vol. 6pp. 15-19). .
[Bibtex]@InCollection{Lexeroed2002, Title = {Normerte prisfunksjoner for grantrær med og uten rotråte}, Author = {Lexerød, Nils and Gobakken, Terje}, Booktitle = {Modellering av skogproduksjon for økologisk og økonomisk forvaltning}, Year = {2002}, Edition = {(In Norwegian)}, Editor = {Øyen, Bernt-Håvard}, Pages = {15-19}, Series = {Aktuelt fra skogforskningen}, Volume = {6}, Owner = {hanso}, Timestamp = {2014.10.15} }
- Næsset, E.. (2002). Determination of stand parameters in large-scale forest inventories by means of airborne laser scanner. Paper presented at the Nordic trends in forest inventory, management planning and modelling. proceedings..
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{Naesset2002a, Title = {Determination of stand parameters in large-scale forest inventories by means of airborne laser scanner}, Author = {Næsset, E.}, Booktitle = {Nordic trends in forest inventory, management planning and modelling. Proceedings.}, Year = {2002}, Editor = {Heikkinen, J.and Korhonen, K. T. andSiitonen, M.and Strandström, M and Tomppo, E.}, Number = {860: 71}, Publisher = {Finnish Forest Research Institute,}, Series = {Research Papers}, Owner = {hanso}, Timestamp = {2011.10.27} }
- Næsset, E.. (2002). Data acquisition for forest planning using airborne scanning laser. .
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{Naesset2002d, Title = {Data acquisition for forest planning using airborne scanning laser}, Author = {Næsset, Erik}, Year = {2002}, Month = {5-9 August 2002}, Owner = {hanso}, Timestamp = {2011.11.17} }
- Gobakken, T.. ((2000). Economical and biological production possibilities of broadleaves in long term forest production analyses.). PhD Thesis, Ås.
[Bibtex]@PhdThesis{Gobakken2000, Title = {Economical and biological production possibilities of broadleaves in long term forest production analyses}, Author = {Gobakken, Terje}, School = {Norges landbrukshøgskole}, Year = {2000}, Address = {Ås}, Owner = {hanso}, Pages = {1 b. (flere pag.)}, Publisher = {Norges landbrukshøgskole}, Series = {Doctor Scientiarum Theses 2000:34}, Timestamp = {2011.11.17} }
- Næsset, E., & Bergsaker, E.. (1999). Anvendelse av gps og dgps i norsk skogbruk : bruksområder, skranker og utviklingsbehov. Oslo: Norskog.
[Bibtex]@Book{Naesset1999d, Title = {Anvendelse av GPS og DGPS i norsk skogbruk : bruksområder, skranker og utviklingsbehov}, Author = {Næsset, Erik and Bergsaker, Erling}, Publisher = {Norskog}, Year = {1999}, Address = {Oslo}, Note = {Erik Næsset og Erling Bergsaker}, Keywords = {gis Skogbruk GPS}, Owner = {hanso}, Pages = {27}, Timestamp = {2011.11.17} }
- Næsset, E.. (1995). Bestemmelse av driftskostnader i bestand ved hjelp av flybilder. Ås: Skogforsk.
[Bibtex]@Book{Naesset1995, Title = {Bestemmelse av driftskostnader i bestand ved hjelp av flybilder}, Author = {Næsset, Erik}, Publisher = {Skogforsk}, Year = {1995}, Address = {Ås}, Note = {av Erik Næsset Determination of logging costs in stands by means of aerial photographs Katalogisert etter omslag}, Series = {Rapport fra Skogforsk ; 1995:2}, Keywords = {gis fototakst skogbruk skogtaksering barskog flyfoto driftskostnader}, Owner = {hanso}, Pages = {33}, Timestamp = {2011.11.17} }
- Næsset, E.. (1995). En metode for bestemmelse av økonomiske skogbruksplandata ved hjelp av flybilder og geografiske informasjonssystem. Ås: Skogforsk.
[Bibtex]@Book{Naesset1995e, Title = {En metode for bestemmelse av økonomiske skogbruksplandata ved hjelp av flybilder og geografiske informasjonssystem}, Author = {Næsset, Erik}, Publisher = {Skogforsk}, Year = {1995}, Address = {Ås}, Note = {av Erik Næsset A method for determination of economical forest management planning data by means of aerial photographs and geographical information systems Katalogisert etter omslag}, Series = {Rapport fra Skogforsk ; 1995:4}, Keywords = {gis skogbruk driftskostnader geografiske informasjonssystemer}, Owner = {hanso}, Pages = {29}, Timestamp = {2011.11.17} }
- Næsset, E.. (1994). Sammenlikning av ulike boniteringer av et skogområde. Ås: Skogforsk.
[Bibtex]@Book{Naesset1994, Title = {Sammenlikning av ulike boniteringer av et skogområde}, Author = {Næsset, Erik}, Publisher = {Skogforsk}, Year = {1994}, Address = {Ås}, Note = {Erik Næsset Comparing different site quality classifications of a forest area Spisstittel}, Series = {Rapport fra Skogforsk ; 1994:11}, Keywords = {bonitet kontingenstabeller klassifiseringssamsvar skogtaksering bonitetsklassifisering geografisk informasjonssystem GIS Skogregistrering}, Owner = {hanso}, Pages = {21}, Timestamp = {2011.11.17} }
- Næsset, E.. (1994). Stand volume function for pinus sylvestris in western norway. Ås: Skogforsk.
[Bibtex]@Book{Naesset1994a, Title = {Stand volume function for Pinus sylvestris in western Norway}, Author = {Næsset, Erik}, Publisher = {Skogforsk}, Year = {1994}, Address = {Ås}, Note = {Erik Næsset Bestandsvolumfunksjon for furu i Vest-Norge}, Series = {Meddelelser fra Skogforsk ; 47:3}, Keywords = {Furu Grunnflate Middelhøyde Bestandsvolumfunksjon}, Owner = {hanso}, Pages = {16}, Timestamp = {2011.11.17} }
- Næsset, E.. (1994). Short-range spatial distribution of soil depth in forest stands with shallow soils. Ås: Skogforsk.
[Bibtex]@Book{Naesset1994b, Title = {Short-range spatial distribution of soil depth in forest stands with shallow soils}, Author = {Næsset, Erik}, Publisher = {Skogforsk}, Year = {1994}, Address = {Ås}, Note = {Erik Næsset Romlig fordeling av jorddybde innenfor korte avstander i skogbestand med tynt jordsmonn}, Series = {Meddelelser fra Skogforsk ; 47:2}, Keywords = {skogregistrering Skogskjøtsel}, Owner = {hanso}, Pages = {24}, Timestamp = {2011.11.17} }
- Næsset, E.. (1993). Nøyaktigheten av de norske bestandsvolumfunksjonene. Ås: Skogforsk.
[Bibtex]@Book{Naesset1993, Title = {Nøyaktigheten av de norske bestandsvolumfunksjonene}, Author = {Næsset, Erik}, Publisher = {Skogforsk}, Year = {1993}, Address = {Ås}, Note = {Erik Næsset The accuracy of the Norwegian stand volume functions}, Series = {Meddelelser fra Skogforsk ; 46:2}, Institution = {Skogforsk}, Keywords = {skogtaksering bestandsvolum gran furu bjørk Skogskjøtsel}, Owner = {hanso}, Pages = {48}, Timestamp = {2011.11.17} }
- Næsset, E.. (1993). Tolking av bestandsmiddelhøyde, kronedekning og treslag i flybilder fra sommer og høst. Ås: Skogforsk.
[Bibtex]@Book{Naesset1993a, Title = {Tolking av bestandsmiddelhøyde, kronedekning og treslag i flybilder fra sommer og høst}, Author = {Næsset, Erik}, Publisher = {Skogforsk}, Year = {1993}, Address = {Ås}, Note = {Erik Næsset Interpretation of stand mean height, crown closure and tree species on aerial photographs from summer and autumn}, Series = {Meddelelser fra Skogforsk ; 46:11}, Keywords = {årstidsvariasjoner flybildemålinger fototolkning gran Picea abies furu Pinus sylvestris skogtaksering Skogskjøtsel}, Owner = {hanso}, Pages = {28}, Timestamp = {2011.11.17} }
- Eid, T., Aasland, T., Nersten, S., & Næsset, E.. (1992). Aas skog. [Ås]: Skogforsk.
[Bibtex]@Book{Eid1992, Title = {Aas skog}, Author = {Eid, Tron and Aasland, Tord and Nersten, Sveinung and Næsset, Erik}, Publisher = {Skogforsk}, Year = {1992}, Address = {[Ås]}, Note = {Tron Eid ... [et al.] Katalogisert etter omslag Innhold: Taksering av Aas skog, Gjøvik, 1990 / Tord Aasland. Utviklingen i Aas skog 1960-1990 / Sveinung Nersten. Etterprøving av avvirkningsberegninger : et eksempel fra Aas skog / Tron Eid. Sammenligning av ulike boniteter i Aas skog / Sveinung Nersten, Erik Næsset og Tord Aasland}, Series = {Aktuelt fra Skogforsk ; 18}, Keywords = {taksering utvikling avvirkningsberegninger boniteter Skogøkonomi}, Owner = {hanso}, Pages = {65, [4] fold. bl.}, Timestamp = {2011.11.17} }
- Næsset, E.. (1992). Systematic sampling of nonproductive land within stands. Ås: Skogforsk.
[Bibtex]@Book{Naesset1992, Title = {Systematic sampling of nonproductive land within stands}, Author = {Næsset, Erik}, Publisher = {Skogforsk}, Year = {1992}, Address = {Ås}, Note = {Erik Næsset Registrering av impediment i bestand ved systematisk sampling Sammendrag på norsk: s. 25-27}, Series = {Meddelelser fra Skogforsk ; 45:1}, Keywords = {skogregistrering}, Owner = {hanso}, Pages = {28}, Timestamp = {2011.11.17} }
- Næsset, E.. (1992). Bruk av geografiske informasjonssystemer i norsk skogbruk. Ås: Skogforsk.
[Bibtex]@Book{Naesset1992a, Title = {Bruk av geografiske informasjonssystemer i norsk skogbruk}, Author = {Næsset, Erik}, Publisher = {Skogforsk}, Year = {1992}, Address = {Ås}, Note = {av Erik Næsset Use of geographic information systems in Norwegian forestry Katalogisert etter omslag Har sammendrag på engelsk}, Series = {Rapport fra Skogforsk ; 1992:18}, Keywords = {gis skogregistrering}, Owner = {hanso}, Pages = {19}, Timestamp = {2011.11.17} }
- Næsset, E.. (1992). Using a geographic information system to estimate the capital value of border-cutting. Ås: Skogforsk.
[Bibtex]@Book{Naesset1992b, Title = {Using a geographic information system to estimate the capital value of border-cutting}, Author = {Næsset, Erik}, Publisher = {Skogforsk}, Year = {1992}, Address = {Ås}, Note = {Erik Næsset Estimering av kapitalverdien av kanthogst ved hjelp av et geografisk informasjonssystem Sammendrag på norsk: s. 13-14}, Series = {Meddelelser fra Skogforsk ; 45:2}, Owner = {hanso}, Pages = {14}, Timestamp = {2011.11.17} }
- Næsset, E.. (1992). Effekten av målestokk, filmtype og brennvidde ved tolking av treslagsfordeling i flybilder. Ås: Skogforsk.
[Bibtex]@Book{Naesset1992c, Title = {Effekten av målestokk, filmtype og brennvidde ved tolking av treslagsfordeling i flybilder}, Author = {Næsset, Erik}, Publisher = {Skogforsk}, Year = {1992}, Address = {Ås}, Note = {Erik Næsset The effect of scale, type of film and focal length upon interpretation of tree species mixture on aerial photos Sammendrag på engelsk: s. 25-26}, Series = {Meddelelser fra Skogforsk ; 45:5}, Keywords = {gran furu Skogregistrering}, Owner = {hanso}, Pages = {28}, Timestamp = {2011.11.17} }
- Næsset, E.. (1992). Tolking av treslagsfordeling i infrarøde og pankromatiske flybilder. Ås: Skogforsk.
[Bibtex]@Book{Naesset1992d, Title = {Tolking av treslagsfordeling i infrarøde og pankromatiske flybilder}, Author = {Næsset, Erik}, Publisher = {Skogforsk}, Year = {1992}, Address = {Ås}, Note = {Erik Næsset Interpretation of tree species mixture on infrared and panchromatic aerial photos Sammendrag på engelsk}, Series = {Meddelelser fra Skogforsk ; 44:10}, Owner = {hanso}, Pages = {28}, Timestamp = {2011.11.17} }
- Næsset, E., Skråmo, G., & Tomter, S. M.. (1992). Norske erfaringer med bruk av flybilder ved skogregistrering (forest surveying by means of aerial photographs: the norwegian experience) ((In Norwegian) ed.). Ås: Dept. of forest sciences, agric. univ. of norway (aktuelt fra skogforsk 13-1992).
[Bibtex]@Book{Naesset1992e, Title = {Norske erfaringer med bruk av flybilder ved skogregistrering (Forest surveying by means of aerial photographs: the Norwegian experience)}, Author = {Næsset, Erik and Skråmo, G. and Tomter, Stein M.}, Editor = {Næsset, Erik}, Publisher = {Dept. of Forest Sciences, Agric. Univ. of Norway (Aktuelt fra Skogforsk 13-1992)}, Year = {1992}, Address = {Ås}, Edition = {(In Norwegian)}, Booktitle = {Skogregistrering og skogbruksplanlegging}, Owner = {hanso}, Pages = {3-12}, Timestamp = {2011.11.17} }
- Nersten, S., & Næsset, E.. (1992). Nøyaktighet av bestandstaksering med relaskop. Ås: Skogforsk.
[Bibtex]@Book{Nersten1992, Title = {Nøyaktighet av bestandstaksering med relaskop}, Author = {Nersten, Sveinung and Næsset, Erik}, Publisher = {Skogforsk}, Year = {1992}, Address = {Ås}, Note = {Sveinung Nersten, Erik Næsset Accuracy of standwise relascope survey}, Series = {Meddelelser fra Skogforsk ; 45:8}, Keywords = {relaskoptakst bestandsvolum skogtaksering Taksering}, Owner = {hanso}, Pages = {22}, Timestamp = {2011.11.17} }
- Næsset, E.. (1991). Nøyaktighet av bestandsvis volumbestemmelse ved hjelp av stratumvise gjennomsnittstall. Ås: Skogforsk.
[Bibtex]@Book{Naesset1991, Title = {Nøyaktighet av bestandsvis volumbestemmelse ved hjelp av stratumvise gjennomsnittstall}, Author = {Næsset, Erik}, Publisher = {Skogforsk}, Year = {1991}, Address = {Ås}, Note = {Accuracy of stand volume estimation by means of strata mean values}, Series = {Meddelelser fra Skogforsk ; 44:2}, Owner = {hanso}, Pages = {24}, Timestamp = {2011.11.17} }
- Næsset, E.. (1991). Bestemmelse av volum i hogstklasse iii ved hjelp av flybilder. Ås: Skogforsk.
[Bibtex]@Book{Naesset1991a, Title = {Bestemmelse av volum i hogstklasse III ved hjelp av flybilder}, Author = {Næsset, Erik}, Publisher = {Skogforsk}, Year = {1991}, Address = {Ås}, Note = {Erik Næsset Volume estimation of cutting class III by means of aerial photographs Sammendrag på engelsk}, Series = {Meddelelser fra Skogforsk ; 44:3}, Keywords = {Flybilder}, Owner = {hanso}, Pages = {28}, Timestamp = {2011.11.17} }
- Næsset, E.. (1991). Betydningen av årstid for registreringer av bestandshøyde, kronedekning og treslag i flybilder. Ås: Skogforsk.
[Bibtex]@Book{Naesset1991d, Title = {Betydningen av årstid for registreringer av bestandshøyde, kronedekning og treslag i flybilder}, Author = {Næsset, Erik}, Publisher = {Skogforsk}, Year = {1991}, Address = {Ås}, Note = {Erik Næsset The effect of season upon registrations of stand mean height, crown closure and tree species on aerial photos Sammendrag på engelsk: s. 25-26}, Series = {Meddelelser fra Skogforsk ; 44:7}, Keywords = {Fotogrammetri Skogregistrering}, Owner = {hanso}, Pages = {28}, Timestamp = {2011.11.17} }
- Næsset, E.. (1991). Bestandsvis volumbestemmelse ved hjelp av flybilder. Ås: Skogforsk.
[Bibtex]@Book{Naesset1991b, Title = {Bestandsvis volumbestemmelse ved hjelp av flybilder}, Author = {Næsset, Erik}, Publisher = {Skogforsk}, Year = {1991}, Address = {Ås}, Note = {av Erik Næsset Stand volume estimation by means of aeral [i.e. aerial] photographs Katalogisert etter omslag Har sammendrag på engelsk}, Series = {Rapport fra Skogforsk ; 1991:4}, Keywords = {Flybilder}, Owner = {hanso}, Pages = {19}, Timestamp = {2011.11.17} }
- Næsset, E.. (1991). Bestemmelse av middeldiameter, høydeklasse og bruttoverdi i bestand ved hjelp av flybilder. Ås: Skogforsk.
[Bibtex]@Book{Naesset1991c, Title = {Bestemmelse av middeldiameter, høydeklasse og bruttoverdi i bestand ved hjelp av flybilder}, Author = {Næsset, Erik}, Publisher = {Skogforsk}, Year = {1991}, Address = {Ås}, Note = {av Erik Næsset Prediction of mean diameter, tariff number and gross value in stands by means of aerial photographs Katalogisert etter omslag Har sammendrag på engelsk}, Series = {Rapport fra Skogforsk ; 1991:3}, Keywords = {Flybilder}, Owner = {hanso}, Pages = {19}, Timestamp = {2011.11.17} }
- Næsset, E.. (1990). Bestemmelse av middeldiameter, høydeklasse og bruttoverdi i barskogbestand ved hjelp av flybilder. Ås: Institutt for skogfag norges landbrukshøgskole.
[Bibtex]@Book{Naesset1990, Title = {Bestemmelse av middeldiameter, høydeklasse og bruttoverdi i barskogbestand ved hjelp av flybilder}, Author = {Næsset, Erik}, Publisher = {Institutt for skogfag Norges landbrukshøgskole}, Year = {1990}, Address = {Ås}, Note = {Erik Næsset Prediction of mean diameter, tariff number and gross value in coniferous stands from aerial photographs Avhandling (Dr.scient.) - Norges landbrukshøgskole, 1990}, Series = {Doctor scientiarum theses / Norges landbrukshøgskole ; 1990:19}, Owner = {hanso}, Pages = {158}, Timestamp = {2011.11.17} }
- Næsset, E.. (1988). Ressursregnskap for skog 1970-1985. Oslo ,: .
[Bibtex]@Book{Naesset1988, Title = {Ressursregnskap for skog 1970-1985}, Author = {Næsset, Erik}, Year = {1988}, Address = {Oslo ,}, Note = {av Erik Næsset}, Series = {Rapporter fra Statistisk sentralbyrå ; 1988:11}, Keywords = {skogbruk statistikk Norge skog naturressurser sosialøkonomi skogbruk naturressurser sosialøkonomi skogbruk ressursregnskap}, Owner = {hanso}, Pages = {68}, Timestamp = {2011.11.17} }
- Næsset, E.. (1988). Verdsetting av skog : estimering av hjelpefunksjoner basert på data fra flybilder og økonomisk kartverk. Oslo ,: .
[Bibtex]@Book{Naesset1988a, Title = {Verdsetting av skog : estimering av hjelpefunksjoner basert på data fra flybilder og økonomisk kartverk}, Author = {Næsset, Erik}, Year = {1988}, Address = {Oslo ,}, Note = {av Erik Næsset}, Series = {Rapporter fra Statistisk sentralbyrå ; 1988:19}, Keywords = {skogbruk skogtaksering ressursregnskap flyfotografering}, Owner = {hanso}, Pages = {133}, Timestamp = {2011.11.17} }
- Rannestad, M., Eid, T., Bollandsås, O. M., Gobakken, T., & Tetemke, B.. Aboveground biomass prediction model using landsat 8 data: a test on possible approaches for seasonally dry forests of northern ethiopia. .
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{Rannestad, author = {Rannestad, Meley and Eid, Tron and Bollandsås, Ole Martin and Gobakken, Terje and Tetemke, Buruh}, title = {Aboveground Biomass Prediction Model Using Landsat 8 Data: A Test on Possible Approaches for Seasonally Dry Forests of Northern Ethiopia}, pages = {383-386}, publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, series = {Research Developments in Geotechnics, Geo-Informatics and Remote Sensing}, abstract = {Forest biomass is an important vegetation attribute for assessing forest ecosystem productivity and function. Estimation of tropical forest biomass has gained importance due to the significance of tropical forests in the global carbon balance. Using remote sensing has been suggested as a potential aboveground biomass (AGB) estimation approach for its spatial coverage and cost effectiveness. Application of such techniques for seasonally dry tropical forests in developing countries is, however, less explored. To this end, the aim of this study is to test the potential of Landsat 8 data for AGB prediction for dry forests in northern Ethiopia. A protected dry Afromontane forest (exclosure), representing a common vegetation type in the region, is selected. The forest is dominated by early successional species, mainly Acacia etbaica. The data necessary for ground-based AGB estimation is collected from 60 circular plots of 200 m2. This study operates with a Landsat 8 image acquired in December 2017, corresponding to the year of vegetation inventory. After correcting the image for sensor, solar, atmospheric, and topographic effects, seven commonly used vegetation indices are derived from the spectral bands. AGB is significantly correlated to all of the Landsat 8 derived spectral variables. One important finding is a linear relationship between AGB, and all of the spectral variables, which allow the development of a linear model using a normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) as a predictor. The root mean square error of the values predicted using the model is 4 Mg/ha. Finally, the findings allow to conclude that the remotely sensed data have the potential for predicting AGB of seasonally dry forests.}, isbn = {978-3-030-72896-0}, type = {Conference Proceedings}, }