Overview of former research project with links to relevant project sites.
33. | Enhancing the measuring, reporting and verification (MRV) of forest in Tanzania through the application of advanced remote sensing techniques (2011 – 2015). Funded by Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Research partners Sokoine University of Agriculture – Tanzania, Kongsberg Satellite Services, Northern Research Institution, Norwegian Computing Centre, Norwegian Forest and Landscape Institute, University of Tromsø |
32. | Use of 3D-data from image matching in forest standwise inventories (2012 – 2014). Funded by the “Utviklingsfondet for skogbruket” and “Skogtiltaksfondet”. |
31. | Estimating tree species composition in using airborne laser scanning inoperational forest inventories (2013 – 2014). Funded by the Norwegian forest trust found. |
30. | Inventory of young forest using airborne laser scanning (2011 – 2013). Funded by the Research Council of Norway and “Skogtiltaksfondet”. |
29. | Detection of cultural heritage in forests utilizing interpretation of terrain models generated from laserdata (2009 – 2011). The project is a collaboration with the Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage Research (NIKU) and is funded by the Directorate for Cultural Heritage. |
28. | Monitoring habitat type (NatTOv) – preparation of a scientific basis for intensive habitat monitoring. Sub-project within a larger research project funded by the Inter-ministerial Committee for mapping and monitoring biodiversity. Collaboration with the Natural History Museum, University of Oslo, Norwegian Institute for Nature Research, NINA. |
27. | Improving the efficiency of field plot measurements in area based laser forest inventory (2009-2010). Funded by Innovation Norway and “Skogtiltaksfondet” |
26. | FlexWood – Flexible Wood Supply Chain (2009 – 2012). Funded by EUs Seventh Framework Programme. |
25. | BALABU – Bakkemontert laser som verktøy for bedre utnyttelse av skogressursene (2009 – 2012). Funded by the Research Council of Norway and SkatteFUNN. |
24. | Integrating airborne laser scanning (ALS) and optical data for forest inventory (2009). Funded by the Research Council of Norway. |
23. | Effects of changing climate on the alpine tree line and mountain forest carbon pools along 1500 km N-S and elevation gradient (2008-2015). Funded by the Research Council of Norway and TerraTec AS. |
22. | WW-IRIS: New Technologies to Optimize the Wood Information Basis for Forest Industries – Developing an Integrated Resource Information System – IRIS (2008-2010) Funded by the Research Council of Norway, the Nordic Forest Research Cooperation Committee, and “Skogtiltaksfondet”. |
21. | Estimating biomass of tree tops and branches for large areas using airborne LiDAR (2008-2011). PhD scholarship funded by UMB. |
20. | LIDAR-based sampling procedures for regional forest biomass and carbon estimation (2004-2009). Samarbeid med University of Minnesota. |
19. | Image data collection for testing of image sensors in Aurskog (2008). Funded by the Research Council of Norway. |
18. | Field data collection for testing of image sensors in Aurskog (2008). Funded by the Research Council of Norway. |
17. | Assessing wood properties of forest resources by airborne LIDAR – PhD scholarship and travel grants (2007-2010). Funded by the Research Council of Norway. |
16. | Detection of tree growth of small trees in the alpine tree line (2008). Funded by the Research Council of Norway. |
15. | Assessing wood properties of forest resources by airborne LIDAR (2006-2009). Funded by the Research Council of Norway, Viken Skog BA, and “Skogtiltaksfondet”. |
14. | Developing and testing a national system for inventory of timber resources and biomass/carbon stocks combining airborne laser and field data (2005-2009). Funded by the Research Council of Norway, UMB, NASA, and Blom Geomatics AS. |
13. | Linking soil organic carbon pools and LIDAR remote sensing of above-ground biomass in boreal forest ecosystems (2007-2010). PhD scholarship funded by UMB. |
12. | Assessment of error sources in forest carbon estimates (2006-2010). PhD scholarship funded by UMB. |
11. | Improved forest planning using airborne laser scanning (2005-2007). Funded by the Research Council of Norway, Prevista AS, and Blom Geomatics AS. |
10. | Inventories of forest biomass, timber resources, and bio-energy feedstocks using airborne LiDAR (2005-2006). Funded by the Research Council of Norway. |
9. | Forest inventory of mixed stands using airborne laser scanning (2004-2005). Funded by Borregaard Research Fund. |
8. | Determination of diameter distribution of forest stands by a practical method using airborne laser scanning (2004-2005). Funded by the Research Council of Norway. |
7. | Effects of flying altitude on the accuracy of forest inventories using airborne laser (2003-2004). Funded by Borregaard Research Fund. |
6. | Testing airborne laser scanning as a method for forest stand inventory over large areas (2001-2002). Funded by the Research Council of Norway, Prevista AS, Fotonor AS, and “Skogtiltaksfondet”. |
5. | Estimating timber volume, wood quality, and vegetation using airborne laser (2000-2003). Funded by the Research Council of Norway and Fotonor AS. |
4. | Estimation of tree height and stem number in young forest using data from airborne laser (2000-2001). Funded by Borregaard Research Fund. |
3. | Determination of height and standing volume of forest stand using digital photogrammetry (1998-1999). Funded by the Research Council of Norway and Fotokart AS. |
2. | Estimating timber volume and tree height by means of airborne laser (1998-1999). Funded by Borregaard Research Fund. |
1. | Determination of tree height and stand volume using airborne laser scanning (1995-1996). Funded by Fotonor AS, the Forest Trust Fund, and UMB. |