On November 12 we will host a one-day seminar entitled “vegetation changes in the tree line”. The seminar marks the closing of a large research project financed by The Research Council of Norway under the NORKLIMA-program.

Both “changes” and “tree line” is here broadly understood, and during the seminar different researchers and research groups will present findings related to ecosystem dynamics in the tree line. The presentations will be followed by a discussion on future directions for research in this area.

There will be presentations by:
Leif Kullman (Professor emeritus, University of Umeå)
Title: Glacier recession reveals past treelines at unprecedented high elevations in the Swedish Scandes
Annika Hofgaard (Senior researcher, NINA Trondheim)
Title: Rate of forest advance and tundra disappearance – empirical evidence vs. model prediction
Gunnar Austrheim (Professor, NTNU) 
Title: Application of the ecosystem services framework to a sheep grazing experiment in the treeline ecotone
Jane Jepsen (Senior researcher, NINA Tromsø)
Title: Drivers of woody vegetation change in the low-arctic forest-tundra ecotone
James Speed (Researcher,NTNU)
Title: The impact of herbivores at the treeline ecotone
Lise Tingstad (PhD-student, University of Bergen)
Title: A forested future in the alpine? Climate, biotic interactions and plant population dynamics across the tree line ecotone
Nadja Stumberg (Østfold fylkeskommune)
Title: Detection of pioneer trees in the forest tundera ecotone using airborne laser scanning
Marius Hauglin  (Researcher, NMBU)
Title: Estimation of changes in the tree line using airborne laser scanner
Ole Martin Bollandsås (Researcher, NMBU)
Title: Large scale estimaton of biomass changes

Complete program can be downloaded here.

Researchers from NMBU present selected results and experiences from our project, where we have worked with monitoring of changes in the tree line using data from airborne laser scanning. The department’s experience with research and operational use of remotely sensed data in forest resource assessments, date back to the 1960s, and one of the objectives of the seminar is to discuss the possibilities for using remotely sensed data to identify or monitor changes in vegetation in the tree line and alpine areas.

The seminar is free, but due to a limited number of participants (45) there will be registration for the seminar, within November 9.

Time: November 12, 10.00 – 17.00. Coffe and registration from 9.30.
Place: The office of the Research Council of Norway, Lysaker.
Registration: per email to Ole Martin Bollandsås (ole.martin.bollandsas at within November 9.